
Hrm/531 Week 1 Student Interview Journal

Decent Essays


As I ponder the events of the last five months of my life, I realize the influence they will

have on my academic goals at CCU. My going back to school is an attempt in finding myself;

trying to let go and let God move my life in the direction He wants it to go.

These months have been packed with twists and turns that have left me emotionally

and spiritually tied in knots. In August, I started my third year as an elementary special

education paraprofessional. Having taught secondary English for 20 years, and enjoying it less

and less due to the high stakes testing, I had decided to take a break from the classroom and

play a less stressful (albeit just as important) role as an aide.

School started off in an uproar as I was assigned to be the one-on-one aide of the new, …show more content…

He needed lots of attention just to get him through each class

without a major melt down. This student had many challenging behaviors: being destructive,

hitting, kicking, cussing, and biting. Often times, I met with the principal about how things

needed to be handled. It seemed we had to create a new “game plan” every other day. Each

day, I’d leave school drained.

Also during this time, my middle son started going to a 26-week-long vision therapy

program for a problem similar to a lazy eye. I was going to have to miss a lot of school, but with

help from family members, I had arranged it to where I would only miss a half day each month,

and someone else would take him on the other weeks. However, he still had other doctor

appointments which were necessary for me to attend.

Cristi Stephens0489398

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