
Giving A Scholarship

Decent Essays

Receiving a scholarship is a big deal for students and their parents. I would be very grateful and extremely willing to do anything that is expected of me if I were awarded this scholarship. In order for me to complete at least 25 hours of community service, I would volunteer at the local Veteran Affairs Hospital and also at the local library, the Michelle Obama Public Library in Long Beach. Volunteering at these places would allow me to help all kinds of people, ranging from those who have served our country to those with disabilities. I have previously volunteered at the Veteran Affairs Hospital as a part of the medical program at my high school and had a great time giving back to My community in any way possible. For the library, I would have to apply to their volunteer program before I could start. There I will be able to help all kinds of people and make them happy.
I believe that everyone should give back to their community because it makes them the person they become. The community you grow up in has a major influence on your character and personality, and people should be grateful and give back. When a child sees another person doing a good deed or helping out at the library, they then …show more content…

I hope to start working immediately after I graduate because that would mean I would be able to help many more people and possibly save some lives. I also plan on continuing on to medical school to become a family physician because I want to open my very own clinic in my hometown. I’ve always wanted to give back to my community and I believe the best way to do that is by providing valuable and affordable care for everyone. My community is not the richest and not everyone is always given an equal opportunity. This is why I would like to open a medical clinic because I would be able to accept everyone and give back to my community by helping all kinds of

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