
Glg 101 Final Exam

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Final Exam (Take-home part) Students are expected to honor the student code of the University of Akron. On my honor, I affirm that I have neither given nor received inappropriate aid in the completion of this exercise. Name: ARUNIMA YADAV Date: Dec 10, 2014 INSTRUCTIONS 1. This exam has 5 short questions and would be 30% of your final examination grade. 2. Your exam should be an independent attempt free of inappropriate aid and plagiarism. 3. Use time news roman 12 font. 4. Use double line spacing throughout. 5. Please make sure there are no grammar mistakes and your answers follow the standards of written English. This is a necessary condition to score well on this examination.  Good Luck! 1. According …show more content…

Members complete their work assignments independently and the outputs of each member are then pooled to represent group’s output. Example: In clothing retail store The Wal-Mart, each store acts as its own separate department with its own resources and each store rarely interact with one another. The success or failure of every separate store contributes to the company overall …show more content…

• Group Think people keeps their beliefs and opinion aside to agree upon a decision whereas in Asch effect people change their beliefs and opinions according to the majority of the group’s decision. 3. Individuals can be politically naïve, sensible or sharks/opportunist individuals? What type of political style (i.e., naïve, sensible or sharks/opportunist) Thomas Green was using in the case study “Thomas Green: Power, Office Politics and a Career in Crisis.” Please support your rationale by providing evidence from the case study. Thomas Green political style is naïve. Naïve political style characteristics are: • Politics is unpleasant • Avoid it at all costs • Tell it like it is • The truth will win out Thomas Green didn’t pay much attention at office politics when he’d taken on his job. He kept himself occupied with the job and focused himself in meeting the expectations without any interaction with Davis or McDonald. Green thought as McDonald sponsored his promotion, she will watch out for

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