
Global Organization And Its Impact On The Global Economy

Decent Essays

The companies have become a key parameter, especially in the global economy. The size of global companies closely correlated with the decrease of vulnerabilities, with higher resistance to economic shocks occurred along the time and with their bigger chances of success in certain markets. Companies aim not only to optimize their size, but also to strengthen the global production networks, affording them a better competitive position, in a mighty competitive environment and under the pressure of quick development of the technological environment. The size of an organization has become a barrier that stops its entry into the sector, higher than profitability, which explains why some corporations have focused, in recent times, more on strengthening their position abroad, although their economic performance does not justify this endeavor. The process of economic globalization is both a resultant of the increasing activity of multinational organizations and a cause of their increasingly stronger internationally affirmation. However, global organizations activity is much more intense in the developed countries; their impact on the developing countries must not be neglected. Global organizations have a few main features that individualize them from all other forms of companies known so far:
• Global Organizations are global economic and financial operators;
• Global Organizations operate in a mighty competitive environment;
• The strategies applied by them must be

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