Global Warming: Myth or Fact? PHI 103: Informal Logic October 25, 2009 Global Warming: Myth or Fact? Thesis: The Global Warming theory has become increasingly popular over the past few years. Citizens of the world are being encouraged to be more environmentally conscious by others including politicians, celebrities, and world organizations. The problem with the theory lies in the fact that it has become more and more controversial as it gains publicity and attention. The basic concept behind this theory is thatthe earth was made with a balance of “green house gasses” (AGU, 2003). These gasses are naturally occurring within the atmosphere and they essentially make the planet habitable by keeping it warm. When the world …show more content…
The more people habituating the planet, the more potential there is for emission of green house gasses. In short, the basis of this argument other than years of documented research and scientific discovery is what harm could we do by being more conservative in our use of energy and other entities that produce more than their share of green house gasses? The answer as it stands now is none. The harmful effects of ignoring this crisis are all but proven fact. Antithesis: The problem that the pro- global warming theorists have created is that of social standing and little else. While there may be scientific backing to support some of the theory, the media presents the problem with great sensationalism. Global warming and energy conservation has thus become a trend and losses some of its validity through this. The scare tactics used by the media to “promote awareness” are just that, a linguistic ploy to gain favor. “Awareness of this global threat reinforced public concern and environmental problems and thereby provided environmental activists, scientists, and policy makers with new momentum in their efforts to promote environmental protection.” (McCright, 2000) This statement draws line to the potential benefits that would be received if the pro-global warming theorists were to draw enough attention to the issue. Driven by social empowerment and
In his essay titled “Climate of Denial”, Al Gore, a well known environmental advocate and former vice president, verifies the reality of climate change and global warming. The piece is an attack on corrupt companies and news outlets that attempt to persuade the public that global warming is not a critical issue. Gore also earnestly conveys our environment’s current state and offers possible solutions that would increase awareness about global warming and begin to revert the planet back to a healthier, more sustainable state. The overarching purpose of Gore’s work is to call attention to the widespread climate change that is occurring. However, he also focuses on the corruption and bias within the media, and their attempts to conceal the truth about global warming. Writing to those who are conflicted about who to believe, he makes a valid argument that defends the beliefs of he and his fellow activists and encourages others to become more active in the climate change issue.
Matt Patterson argues in “Global Warming – The Great Delusion” that the alleged scientific consensus surrounding the theory of global warming is based not on fact, but rather on a web of mass hysteria and deceit. Patterson contends that “In fact, global warming is the most widespread mass hysteria in our species’ history”, and that the beliefs of global warming proponents are the result of their own delusional imaginations and a subconscious apocalyptic yearning toward which masses of people tend to subject themselves. While Patterson worries that what he perceives to be the
With the rise of calamitous news regarding extremists groups taking over certain states, countries threatening to go to war, and viruses spreading throughout the world; the outlook of humanity does not look good. In addition to these dire headlines is the matter of climate change, which, unfortunately, is not as alarming to the public eye. Nonetheless, climate change is a pressing matter as it will impact every facet of society from economy to even human survival. Perhaps the general public find climate change as a vapid subject because of its nature to react belatedly to human activity, and how it is often represented with numbers, graphs, and projections; things that are not compelling to those that do not understand its importance. Even
What we ought to be agonized over now is that in the course of recent years, we have been falsely raising the grouping of nursery gasses in our climate. Production lines, power plants, and autos, smolder coal and fuel and release an apparently perpetual stream of carbon dioxide. Power plants are the biggest patrons to an Earth-wide temperature boost. Consistently they deliver around 2.5 billion tons of contamination. The second driving reason for this contamination is cars, which pumps around 1.4 billion tons of contamination into the environment every year. Notwithstanding these, we as a human race produce a great many pounds of methane by permitting
Over 70% of our electricity comes from burning fossil fuels. Increase in technology (a.k.a electricity) leads to burning of waste. As well as the increase in population, leads to increase in food consumption, which greenhouse gas emissions generate from livestock, agricultural soils, and rice production.
Climate change has been a subject of discussion in the media for many years, supported with the use of arguments against oil polluting the environment and extreme scare tactics of Polar ice caps flooding civilians backyards. The issue has been ignored by the majority of lay people as seeming too complicated, and with all the conflicting information in the media in the past, who can blame them? However, scientifically, climate change and what perpetrates it is fairly simple to understand and society as a whole is beginning to come to a clear consensus on climate change. Thanks in part to more readily available forms of media and information, people have become cognizant of the fact that climate change is a legitimate problem which requires immediate amelioration. While this may seem melodramatic, society is realizing that climate change is an issue which can no longer be denied if the human race wishes to continue.
The more people habituating the planet, the more potential there is for emission of greenhouse gasses. In short, the basis of this argument other than years of documented research and scientific discovery is what harm could we do by being more conservative in our use of energy and other entities that produce more than their share of greenhouse gasses? The answer as it stands now is none. The harmful effects of ignoring this crisis are all but proven fact.
Purpose and Significance: The purpose of the two studies was to find out whether dire global-warming messages could actually create skepticism regarding global warming’s existence among those who held strong just-world beliefs. Proof that global warming exists is becoming more and more evident as each year goes by. However, using dire messages may not be the best way educate the masses on global warming. If dire messages are proven to only increase skepticism of global warming, then changes in the way global warming is being presented needs to be made.
The concept of global warming has become one of the most widely debated and controversial topics of our time. Scientists learned long ago that the earth’s climate has powerfully shaped the history of humanity. However, it is only in the past few decades that research has revealed that humans have a significant influence on the climate as well. A growing body of scientific evidence indicates that since 1950, the world’s climate has been warming, primarily as a result of emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and the destruction of tropical forests. More importantly, an article titled "Global Warming" published in the New York Times shows that methane, a gas that is emitted from landfills, livestock and oil gas facilities,
Thesis Statement: Global warming is a growing concern of scientists and researchers who believe that it is a serious problem for our planet. The concerns and research have also been questioned and have even been called myths. Millions of people find themselves affected by these weather pattern changes and are concerned for their futures. Activists on both sides of the argument are very passionate and not afraid to attack each other in every way they can. There are many questions that are still not answered, however, we continue to see drastic weather changes to Earth. We must go beyond the arguments and learn as much as we can to stop what could possibly lead to the destruction of our planet, our way of life and our future.
Climate change is a huge overarching issue that directly relates to almost every environmental issue we are facing today on the planet. In essence, climate change is the main incapacitating factor for the 4 factors of sustainability. The Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication released a report based on the findings of a nationally represented survey. This report expands upon the connection between scientific findings behind climate change and how the public perceives this
Global warming, we see it as sad polar bears hopelessly swimming for their lives in the ocean. It's shown as rising sea levels that can washout entire cities. It even sometimes gets turned into politics but scientifically, what is the definition of global warming?
When one encounters the concept and idea of global warming, we inquire a wide range of opinions, facts, assumptions, and philosophies. As the general population of the world, the idea
Although some believe that Global Warming has been created due to manmade pollutants, I believe that Global Warming is a natural process that has been accelerated due to the excess emissions of pollutants from nature and manmade devices into the atmosphere. The world has been said to be on a cycle of global warming and cooling, this process can neither be stopped nor prevented, but it can be accelerated with the addition of non-natural emissions from automobiles and factories; because this is a natural process, even if constraints were to be put on the amount of pollutants released into the air global warming could not be prevented—it could only be slowed. When the inevitable happens and global warming occurs, there are many
Global warming is the constant increase of temperature in the earth’s atmosphere that is caused by the increase of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, greenhouse gases and many other pollutants. Chlorofluorocarbons are any type of compounds of carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, and fluorine which are harmful to the ozone layer. Global warming can affect many things, one example is the rising of temperature which can result in different types of disasters like storms, heat waves, floods, and droughts. Global warming also causes Higher death rates, Dirtier air, Higher wildlife extinction rates, the increase of Acidic Oceans, and Higher seas levels. In this essay, I will provide information that will show how harmful global warming can be to not only the earth but to humans and animals, and what we can do to prevent it from increasing.