
Global Warming Essay: An Inconvenent Truth

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Former United States Vice President Al Gore became interested in global warming during his years at Harvard University studying under Professor Roger Revelle. During the Clinton Administration Al Gore pushed and encouraged energy efficiency and alternate fuel resources. After Al Gore’s presidential election defeat to Georgia W. Bush in 2000, Gore focused his full attention back on global warming. Al Gore Traveled across the United States and around the world presenting a slide show featuring the concerns of global warming. Using updated material and animation “An Inconvenient Truth” was created. In this film that was the fifth highest grossing documentary to date in the United States; Al Gore puts forth an argument about our climate. …show more content…

Massive heat waves are becoming more common. In 2003 Andhra Pradesh in India reached a high of 122oF. US Cities have reported all-time highs and temperatures being above 100oF for consecutive days. The Oceans are getting warmer causing stronger storms. All-time records were set in 2004 for number of hurricanes in the United States and the number and the size of typhoons in China. In 2005 Hurricane Katrina was a Category 1 storm but increased to a Category 4 as it went over warmer waters in the Gulf of Mexican causing devastation to the people in Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Texas. It resulted in the death of 1,836 people and $81 Billion dollars in damage.

E4 Flooding and ironically more draughts have occurred. Global warming not only increases precipitation world- wide but also relocates precipitation. Soil evaporation increases considerably with higher temperatures (An Inconvenient Truth). "When it rains, it rains harder and when it's not raining, it's warmer - there is more evaporation, and droughts can last longer," explains Thomas R. Karl, director of the National Climatic Data Center.
E5 Ice sheets are receding in sites such as Kilimanjaro, Glacier national Park, The Himalayas and the glaciers in Peru. If ice sheets in West Antarctica or Greenland were to melt completely, sea level would rise 20 feet. Coastline areas would flood, displacing hundreds of

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