
Global Warming Essay

Decent Essays

Global temperatures on the Earth’s surface have increased by 1.1 degrees Fahrenheit during the last century, faster than any time in the last 1000 years (Rauber 41). Consequently, the 1990s was the warmest decade in the last 1000 years (“Global Warming”). As humans emit fossil fuels, greenhouse gasses slowly warm the Earth’s atmosphere (“EPA Global”). This gradual process is known as global warming. As glaciers begin to melt, sea levels rise and coastal areas in Florida may suffer immense losses (“Beach Erosion”). Florida’s tourist economy may also suffer a tremendous loss, as well as agriculture (“Florida Scientists”). With a warmer atmosphere, disease will spread quicker and human health will be threatened throughout the state (“Global …show more content…

The production of citrus, sugarcane, and tomatoes adds billions of dollars to Florida’s economy (“Florida Scientists”). Global warming’s effects on agriculture will vary by location and on the specific crop (Alvarez et al). Warming temperatures and carbon dioxide fertilization will increase citrus production by about 6 to 20 percent in Florida over the next 40 to 50 years (Alvarez et al). Although citrus will benefit in the short-term, its productivity in the long-run will suffer (Alvarez et al). Citrus yields will begin to decrease once temperatures have gone past the nominal growing range and soil moisture has been reduced from the heat (Alvarez et al). Sugarcane is a $437 million industry in Florida and is mostly located in Palm Beach County (“Southeast”). Global warming may severely impact the production and sales of sugarcane (“Southeast”). If sea levels rise 18 to 20 inches, flooding will intensify and decrease sugarcane yields due to nutrient pollution problems (Alvarez et al). This will decrease sugarcane growth by about 20 percent (“Southeast”). Florida is also the nation’s leader in tomato production (Alvarez et al). However, a warming atmosphere could decrease the state’s tomato production by about 44 percent as a result of shortened growth cycles (Alvarez et al). Global warming will definitely lead to changes in how and where Florida farmers grow crops (“Southeast”). With some crops these changes

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