
Globalisation And Globalization

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Today’s business is strongly influenced by globalization. The number of companies operating across the border has grown exponentially. As a consequence of this, a large group of managers and employees is exposed to global strategic decisions and cross-cultural interaction nowadays” (Bucker and Poutsma 2010). The reason behind this area of research is for two reasons that needs to explain and outlined to develop further foundation for the research. Firstly, the current professional project managerial position of the author relates to the topic. The author works for a telecom company with teams and stakeholders dispersed in different regions. Thus, the author is able to relate his existing work experience to the research topic. The author works as project manager in Dubai for a Software development firm that has its main head office and development in Monaco and most clients based in different parts of Asia, Middle East and Africa. There is lot of cross communication happening between teams spread across the geographic territories. Thus, the author can relate to his personal experience with the research that is being conducted and could also add weight to the findings by reflecting real-life experience. “There cannot be enough planning and anticipation of potential problems in international projects. Experience in one country may be helpful in assessing another country but new situations always will emerge” (Cleland and Gareis 2006). Cleland and Gareis (2006) provides a very

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