
Globalization And Its Impact On Society Essay

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Technological advancements in the last few decades allowed a greater interconnectivity among people around the world. This phenomenon is called globalization. As humans continue to advance technologically, we, as humans, will become more unified. This unification has many benefits. We will be able to work together on an economical, political, and social level. The state-of-the-art capabilities in commerce and trading between countries globalization fosters immense economical growth. Consequently, this growth will lead to an increase in jobs and overall economic health. Nevertheless, some claim that globalization will have certain costs. Many argue that some local cultures will die as a result of globalization. As technology grows and we become more interconnected, all cultures, big and small, will become more homogenous. The global homogeneity that globalization induces unfortunately leads to the demise of uniqueness in culture, essentially destroying smaller cultures all together. Russ Rymer (2012), an author that has worked for many publications including National Geographic, New York Times, Smithsonian, etc., claims that the reach larger languages, such as Mandarin and English, is expanding to “seemingly every hamlet” (p. 7). Some do argue, however, that the global culture that is created will allow for humans to work together in a more efficient manner than ever before. The question that needs to be asked is do the economic benefits outweigh the cultural costs of

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