
Globalization Strategy Of The Korean Pop Music

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Executive Summary
Today hybridisation has become a globalisation strategy especially for cultural products. It is defined as a re-organisation of different cultural elements and creates new culture forms or produces hybrid cultural products which could reach a wider range of global audiences. Culture Technology (CT), a concept similar to hybridisation has been applied by Korean music labels in marketing their music products overseas. This has been viewed by many marketers and scholars as one of the key reasons that promotes overseas popularity of Korean pop music (K-pop). Inspired by the hybridisation strategy of cultural products and successful applications of CT in K-pop, this paper looks into hybridisation in music products in a value chain approach. This would be the first attempt to discuss hybridisation in music products along value chain. Precisely, in this paper, based on the music products value chain models built by different scholars, a new value chain model will be built. The new model will be mainly divided into three parts – inputs, labels and distributions. Then, how hybridisation functions in this model and why it could help enhancing music products’ foreign marketability are to be discussed according to the three parts. Examples of applications will also be given to prove the validity and applicability of this model. S.M. Entertainment with Super Junior and EXO and Sony Music with One Direction are taken as the examples and will be compared on the Chinese

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