
Globalization and Its Challenges to Liberal and Realist Assumptions Regarding the State and New Security Concerns

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Globalization has become one of the most (hotly) debated issues eliciting both great enthusiasm and deep concern. On the one hand, it is argued that it leads to economic growth and prosperity for nations while on the other side, many argue that it only increases the “disparity between the rich and the poor,” [456] and diminishes the power of the states. In this essay, I will analyze the question: how globalization challenges the liberal and realist assumptions regarding the state and what new security concerns globalization brings with it? In other words, I will argue that globalization challenges the liberal and realist assumption of the state as being the main actor because in this era, neo liberal economic policies are being implemented …show more content…

For instance, people sitting in Africa can now through “global television networks see for themselves events occurring almost anywhere around the world” and technological advancements such as the Internet have made it possible for business people on different continents to also engage in electronic commerce. Thus, making this world truly global. As a result, there no longer exist any borders in the traditional sense of a geographically defined location because the Internet has no borders, which in turn challenges the liberal assumption of states having clearly defined territories. The blurring of territories also in turn challenges the liberal notion of ‘absolute sovereignty.’ Absolute sovereignty basically implies that no other state has the right to interfere in the affairs of other states. However, with the uninterrupted movement of communication, commerce, and information, how can it be said that the states still have absolute control in the traditional sense. Globalization has simply lead to the transformation of the political and social system. This transformation does not imply that the states sovereignty is “on the edge of collapse,” but it in turn forces us to stop thinking of state power as something that “is indivisible and territorially exclusive.” Due to the changing structure, it now makes more sense to “speak about the transformation of state

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