
Glycerolated Tris Lab Report

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All chemicals and reagents were obtained from Sigma (Sigma-Aldrich). A glycerolated Tris-lactose egg yolk extender was freshly prepared for dilution of semen as described by El-Bahrawy et al. (2006). Briefly, the extender was composed of 0.25 Molar Tris buffer (3.25 %, w/v), lactose (5.5 %, w/v), citric acid (1.67 %, w/v), glucose (1 %, w/v), and was further supplemented with egg-yolk (20 %, v/v) and glycerol (3 %, v/v) to reach a final pH of 7.4 and 0.351 osmol/kg osmotic pressure. The glycerolated diluent was added to the semen specimens in a one-step dilution technique.

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