
Go Against Imperialism Research Paper

Decent Essays

They aren’t here to help us, all they want is to turn us into slaves and take what we have. Not too long ago, the British tried to claim our land as their own, and with the French coming in suddenly while we’re rebelling against the British, they were our final blow. A lot has happened since their arrival. They claim that they want to ‘civilize’ us, but if anything, they are doing the opposite. We have no power when it comes to what happens to us and people I know have lost their families. We want to turn you guys from participating in Imperialism, to being against it. We want you guys to go against imperialism because, you don’t realize how it affects us and because it is our land, not yours. We want you guys to go against imperialism because …show more content…

We understand land means power, and because you guys are more advanced than us, you think that we don’t matter. Whether it’s because we’re black or less developed than you, we don’t go into your land and homes and claim them as our own. Think about it. What would you do if we ran into your homes and claimed them as our own? What would you do? What would you say? You wouldn’t be able to do anything just like us right now. We can’t do anything because you guys don’t even think of us as people, but as little bumps within the road slowing you down from doing what you want. If you guys knew how it felt to be in our situation, you too would probably hate what is happening, and maybe even change your minds on what you are doing to us. This is our land, not yours. In conclusion, we want you guys to not only stop trying to take our land, but we want you guys to stop/not feed into imperialism. If you guys knew what it was like, you would leave. Not only have you guys taken away our friends and family, but if the exact same thing happened to you, you would want us to stop. You’ve taken away our resources and have been taking our natural land resources. We want you guys to go against imperialism because, you don’t realize how it affects us and because it is our land, not

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