
Go East, Young People, GO east Essay

Decent Essays

After reading the case study Go East, Young People, Go East I will answer in detail each question. First what approach do I feel Electronic Visions should use when moving into the Asia market. Next how could the four P’s help Electronic Visions? Finally, will global coordinated play a problem.
The approach I would use is the global strategy. I choose the global strategy because Electronic Visions will have completive prices and will plan to increase their profits and sales with their products. I don’t feel Electronic Visions is a well-known name but by moving into Asia I feel their name will become a major name in the Asian countries. I also feel if they move into Asia it wouldn’t take them …show more content…

Are there already prices that are around for the type of products they are selling in the area? Also if Electronic Vision increased or decreased their product just a little could this make a huge difference in the market? For example if they lowered their cost by $20 from the competitor would more customers buy it because it’s cheaper or would they want to buy a more expensive product? Promotion is the last P and for me it is one of the most important. If you can’t advertise correctly than their will not be very many customers in a new market. Where and when could Electronic Visions market their message? They need to find out if there is a certain area that a lot of potential customers would visit. Which method would they want to use, will it be online, TV, billboard? I feel online and TV would be the best but I’m not sure if the Asia market would be like our market. Another thing to consider is the best time to promote the new product. I would focus a lot on how and when the competitors are doing all of these things because it will help Electronic Visions to decided what they should and shouldn’t do. I don’t think it will matter if the products are globally coordinated. I feel Electronic visions may have change their products a little bit according to each market they are in. I feel each market would have their own things they like and dislike. Also the electricity may play a big part. I think overseas there are

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