
Go To College

Decent Essays

These days in society a college education is no longer a choice or privilege like it used to be in the past, but instead an essential part of life these days. We are raised to believe that one needs higher education in order to succeed in life. I believe that everyone should attend at least a minimum of two years of college.

The main reason most people go to college is not because they want to but because they have to. All throughout high school you're pressured by your guidance counselors and parents to go to college because it is the right path to take in life. Maybe not everyone is meant to go to college, and they might have a different calling in life. There are people who have never been to college and are doing way better than people …show more content…

It is hard for recent graduates to find a good job since there is so much competition because over the years accessibility to a college education has dramatically increased, and a lot more people have degrees. Even someone gets a job; often it usually ends up not being in a field of study they received their degree for. They also have to find some job to pay off all the debt that their college education accumulated over the years. Some college students feel that college is a waste of money because they do not learn what they want to but are only taking these classes in order to fulfill a general educational …show more content…

But in the end college is what you make of it because you determine how you feel. It can either be one of the best times of your life or the worst, but you’re the one that determines that outcome. You can be pessimistic about it and think that college is just a waste of money, or you can look at as a joyful yet challenging experience that will set an example for the rest of your life. One of the main questions, students have been asking and will continue to ask as college cost increase over years as jobs become scarce. The solution is getting accepted into a good college because it is always a great start, but in order to be successful the student need to be motivated, gifted, and

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