
Go To Therapy

Decent Essays

Is therapy a beneficial thing or not? That is an age-old question that deserves an answer. There are those that say it most definitely is. Therapy is not something that should be made fun of. Talking to a mental health professional helps people manage their emotions. If someone is feeling down for a long period of time, it may be a sign of a mental health problem and they should talk about it in a confidential environment. In addition, therapy prevents suicide and dangerous activity from taking place altogether. If an individual is experiencing harmful thoughts they should speak to a mental health professional. Also, if a person is not acting their normal self and doesn't participate in activates that used to bring them happiness, they can fix the underlying problem. The reasons given are just a few of the many reasons why therapy is a beneficial thing for many people. Holmes, L. (2017, March 10). 11 Very Good Reasons To Go To Therapy. Retrieved October 22, 2017, from

On the flip side, some say therapy is a bad thing for people. It is a horrible thing if going to a therapy session once a week is the only thing a person has to look forward to all week. Also, it is pathetic for a person to have no …show more content…

It is his responsibility to provide a safe and secure environment for the client. The more comfortable the client will feel, the more the therapist will be able to solve the issues at hand. "Therapy is a relationship between the patient and the therapist in which both are expected to change through their interaction in the process of therapy." The patient is supposed to change more than the therapist. Also, the therapist needs to have a genuine relationship with the client. It should be apparent that the therapist truly cares about his client's growth. (n.d.). Retrieved October 22, 2017, from

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