
God Does Not Exist Research Paper

Decent Essays

God is known as the creator of our world; and our creator is known as being all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good. If our creator is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good, then why is there evil in the world? The definition of evil states that something is morally bad, or harmful. How can something like this exist and still have an all-good God? Does this mean that God does not exist? Is evil even real? The problem of evil is an atheistic argument to show that God, in fact, does not exist. In this paper I will argue that evil does exist in this world by the support of the Holiness and Underachiever Problem.

The argument is as follows: 1. If God if all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-good, then evil would not exist. 2. Evil exists. 3. Therefore, God does not exist.

I want to start off by presenting the arguments of theodicy and what they have to say as to why evil exists. Theodicy is “the attempt to reconcile the existence of evil in the world with the idea that God exists and is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good” (Sober). Arguments regarding theodicy try to refute the second premise (2).
Theists believe that there are two types of evils: Ones brought on by nature, and others by humans. Earthquakes and other natural disasters are evils prevailed by nature, while evils brought into existence by humans has to be some form of a …show more content…

How can we stay within the limit of soul-building if we have choice of our own actions? For example, lets say that a person had just lost their parent due to murder. Their grief of losing their parent would be enough to strengthen their character. But, what if after years of grieving, this person goes on a hunt to find the person that killed their parent? Once he finds the person, he murders them and is sent to jail. This would go beyond the minimum for soul-building. This person had the choice of good or evil. They ultimately chose evil. This supports the third premise

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