
God is good and it is difficult to believe in a good who is Perfectly hood

Decent Essays

Firstly, we must understand what is meant by ‘good’ well good is that which is morally right. With God it is said in the bible “oh give thanks to the lord, for he is good; for His loving-kindness is everlasting (Psalms), another way is the 10 commandments which shows God setting the standard of what is morally right and wrong. Another way of showing of how ‘God is good’ is by creation in genesis 1 and 2 which shows God either creating the world or how he is crafting everything, also in the bible of how God has preformed miracles and in todays society.
In the bible there are many passages, which say ‘God is good’ for example in James ‘every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of …show more content…

The goodness of God may be seen in the New Testament personality of Jesus. Some Christians would say that the perfect goodness of God may be seen in Jesus, who of course suffers on the cross. This raises the question "Can the goodness of God be seen in the sufferings of Jesus?" It is difficult to believe in a God who is perfectly good.
Reasons for thinking it is
If God is perfectly good, does this mean that all the things God does are also good?
The issue stems from the Euthyphro dilemma, which states that either God is good by definition or that God ascribes to a standard of goodness which is external to him.
This causes problems when one considers some of the things it is said that God does. Are the things which God does good by definition? This would include wars and plagues. It also assumes that much of what we call evil comes from God.
It is evil which is at the heart of the criticism here. It is incompatible to have God who is said to be all powerful (omnipotent), all loving (omnibenevolent) and have a presence of evil in the world. The choice is to deny that God is all powerful or to say that there is no such thing as evil or to cast doubt on his omnibenevolence.
Reasons for thinking it is not
Many religious people would find it difficult to love and worship a God who did not have their best interests at heart.
A number of modern who does what he can when he can, than to have a God who is not supreme goodness.
The philosopher

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