
Good And Evil In Christianity

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Christianity appears to be clearer in defining evil. In the majority of modern day Christian sects, God is depicted good and the Devil as evil. This black and white depiction of good and evil is, however, a broad generalization and does not truly reflect the idea of evil as it exists in Christian texts. The word satan is derived from the Hebrew verb satan meaning “to oppose”. This reflects the original characterization of the Devil in Christianity. In some of the earliest texts, particularly the Hebrew scriptures prior to 300 B.C.E., the word satan refers to any enemy. It also refers to a member of God’s inner councisel of angels. In respect to the second meaning, Satan was considered to be a dutiful servant to God. His duty was to carry out God’s instructions. So, in these earlier stages of Christianity, God was responsible for both good and evil deeds. It was not until around 300 B.C.E. that the images of God and Satan underwent drastic changes resulting in the modern day idea of God as pure and Satan as evil.
Though these religions do not represent evil in the same way, there are similarities …show more content…

Merriam Webster dictionary even gives one of the definitions of religions as “the service and worship of God or the supernatural”(Merriam Webster). Whether it be Ra, the mighty Egyptian sun god, Skadi, the Norse goddess of winter, the Christian God, or even Cloacina, the Roman goddess of the sewer system in Rome, divine beings play an important role in religion and religious culture. They influence the lifestyle of religious people through sacrifice, prayer, customs, and holidays.The importance of deities have in their respective religions is why the paper will begin by looking at how evil was portrayed in them. Of course, there are a few roadblocks one runs into when studying the nature of the divine figures in Christianity and Hellenism, particularly when analyzing

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