
Good Morning Ladies And Gentlemen Of The Jury

Decent Essays

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen of the jury. I am Alan Zhao, attorney for the defendant. Folks, you’ve all heard the expression: There are two sides to every story. And that’s true. The plaintiff just told you one side, the side they want you to hear. But you need to hear both sides before you can know what really happened that evening. Here’s what you will find out when we get our chance to present evidence. Once you hear all the evidence, including our cross-examinations, if it convinces you of anything, it will convince you that the wrong person was liable and that a grave injustice has happened. The prosecution wants you to believe that the waiter negligently served an intoxicated customer who assaulted the plaintiff. That may …show more content…

Instead of waiting patiently to collect his money, he gave Phillip a push, which provoked Butch to exchange blows at his stomach. You see, the plaintiff gambled his money on a sport game, started a bar fight, and now he’s trying to blame Jennifer Anderson for shooting himself in the foot. This is no different from the Opium War, starting a war in someone else’s backyard and then make the loser, who owns the backyard, pay for the war indemnities. This is not a new thing. Some immoral people always find someone to shoulder the blame for their own mistake. The Holocaust happened because Hitler blamed Germany’s economic problems on Jews. Even nowadays, public figures such as Donald Trump blame Mexican immigrants for bringing in all sorts of problems, these include: rapists, drugs, and high unemployment rate. We must not ignore our past or else history is condemned to repeat itself. We must not today. We shall not tomorrow. I say we stop this injustice from taking place. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, Jennifer has no obligation to compensate and or remunerate for all the problems created by Mr. Jeffrey B. Lang himself. It’s time Jeffery Lang take up his part of the blame. Jennifer thought she was living in her dream. Three years ago she quit her accounting job at a local CPA firm and decided to open a pizza restaurant. She had hoped to develop close contact with her alma mater. The evening in March 29, 2014 the University of Nita basketball team made it into NCAA.

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