Good Night, and Good Luck, is a film made by George Clooney in 2005. In response to the Iraq war. It follows the story of Sig Mickelson played by Jeff Daniels. A newscaster who is set in his values, exposing corruption, and keeping the government in line. In a time when America was having a communist red scare.
This film did transitions amazingly every time a there was a major change in the plot. The audience hears a female singing in a film with almost no music at all. This really help the audience see that some major change is happening. And on the topic of transitions/ camera work. A lot of the transitions are very creative for example one of the shots was shot through a mirror in the set piece showing the characters. This was really cool seeing it show that Clooney is actually putting in effort to plan his scenes and working with his
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It also ended rather abruptly which might have been what Clooney was going for. The problem with not wrapping up the film and leaving open end/ to the audience’s imagination. Is that it loses all mass market appeal. It also is a lot harder on the audience to connect all the threads in the plot. This seems to be found in a lot of these art house/film festival films. But overall it just feels like the film could have been two hours not the 90 minutes that it is. Now saying that this is one film that would be not the same if you cut 10 minutes out of. Dissimilar to a lot of the mass market/ big budget films.
Overall Good Night, and Good Luck was a great film by George Clooney. It shows film makers how to use color or lack of, angles, and transitions. It also shows off how a small low budget film can keep you on the edge of your seat the same ass large block busters, and it also is able to present the viewer with a political point without basically making it super obvious. It is definitely worth a
Based off Charles Webb’s 1963 novel by the same name, The Graduate is an American romantic comedy/drama released in the United States on December 21, 1967 starring Dustin Hoffman, Anne Bancroft, Katharine Ross, and William Daniels. The film was directed by Mike Nichols, produced by Lawrence Turman and the screenplay written by Buck Henry and Calder Willingham. The film was produced by Lawrence Turman/Mike Nichols productions starting in March of 1967. Mike Nichols has also directed other well known films such as Catch-22 (1970), Working Girl (1988), and more recently Closer (2004). The film was distributed by AVCO Embassy Pictures nationally and United Artists internationally. AVCO Embassy Pictures studio, founded by Joseph E. Levine, the films executive producer, also claims production/distribution for other hit films such as Godzilla, King of Monsters! (1956), The Fog (1980), and Prom Night (1980). The movie was well received due to its $104 million dollar box office opening tab. The score was produced by Dave Grusin and the songs written by Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel.
If you are unable to find any information about the social impact of the film, explain the personal impact it has had on you.
Good Night and Good Luck is a movie that takes place in the early days of broadcast journalism. Joseph McCarthy played a role of himself, a Senator, who wanted to report the facts and enlighten the public. His goal was to interrogate and root out the secret communists. However, Edward R. Murrow, the television news man, and his staff pressured to examine the lies that Joseph McCarthy said during his communist ‘witch-hunt’. Senator Joseph McCarthy responds by accusing the anchor of being a
Good Night and Good Luck was written and Directed by George Clooney. George took time and effort into making this film close enough to the historical information that we have today about McCarthy. Today’s history books we will learn that McCarthy was a senator from Wisconsin, and he gathered over the permanent subcommittee on the investigations. That hosted public hearings that McCarthy accused many army officials, media members, and other public figures for being Communists. In the film, Good Night and Good Luck, director George Clooney played out each event through this movie. However, the film includes differences in point of view in order to into the excitement of the film.
The nature of conflicting perspectives is to explore differing values and ideas, through the representation of the events, people and situations, which in some way impact on the composer and the reader. Composers often manipulate their representations for their own purpose and these conflicting perspectives exist because of the eternal subjectivity of composers. Hughes' 20th century confessional poems, "Fulbright Scholars" and "Your Paris" offers a perspective on his tempestuous relationship with Plath, persuading the reader that he was the victim suffocating under Plath's mental instability. Similarly, George Clooney's (2005) American dramatic film, "Good Night and Good Luck", in conjunction with Hughes poetry demonstrates how the
I was lucky enough to be able to view the film two weeks before its release, and I can tell you first hand that there are a great amount of changes to the movie. I think that some of these changes positively affected the quality of the movie, whereas other changes affected the movie in a negative way. I also think that some of these changes did not aid in expressing the important message of the story, which is that freedom of choice is important, and we shouldn't take it for granted.
Analytical Thesis: Get Out is a psychological thriller that analyzes the racial issues in modern America through the use of visual rhetoric: such as film noir, symbolism and metaphors.
Film- Precious Knowledge Precious Knowledge is a documentary that takes place in Tucson, Arizona and focuses on how the Unified School district wants to completely ban the Mexican American Studies Program. In the film there were many scenes with examples of rhetorical appeal. I believe that the way the film was set up since the beginning had an impactful and direct emotional appeal on the audience. For instance, in the first scenes of the film we have the opportunity to get to know the main characters in a more intimate level.
The movie Before Night Falls directed by Julian Schnabel offers viewers a glimpse of how the homosexual community in Cuba was being mistreated under Fidel Castro’s regime. The true story is told in the eyes of Cuban poet Reinaldo Arenas. The film depicts Arenas life in Cuba and all of the awful experiences that he had to deal with as a homosexual. Eventually he was arrested for false accusations of being a molester, however, he was actually under arrest for being a homosexual. Between the 1930s and 1990s, the Communist Cuba was abusive to the LGBT community as shown in their actions of harassment towards homosexuals, imprisoning the homosexuals, or sending them to re-education camps.
Good Night and Good Luck, and Badlands are two very unique movies. Both poses very interesting narratives, with underlying messages and symbolism. But, what makes them stand out the most, is their artistic and technically driven visuals. One is full of beautiful and romanticized colors. The other uses black and white to portray depth and struggle. Two vastly different approaches, but equally powerful in their own ways. Good Night and Good Luck and Badlands, both use their visual ascetics to motivate and strengthen their stories. Demonstrating that every part of filmmaking is detailed, and every piece is an intricate part of the result.
Good Night, and Good Luck instead used visual techniques to convey particular messages, the most apparent being that the whole film was shot in high contrast black-and-white spliced with occasional real footage of McCarthy. This blend creates the impression that the film was made in the 1950s while taking Clooney’s audience there, watching the conflict as it occurs, as if the broadcasts were live. Combining historic footage of McCarthy with black-and-white imagery further conveys the film as more realistic and era-appropriate. Not only for historically accurate purposes, the employment of a black-and-white filter paints the film as ‘black and white’, illustrating McCarthy as ‘black’ as he is doing wrong and falsely accusing the innocent of being communists, and Murrow as ‘white’ as he is doing right and standing up to McCarthy. Whilst black-and-white film is typically seen as boring and dull, it proves to make the film’s story stand out to the viewer so that by removing the distraction of vibrant colour, the viewer can focus on character’s actions and dialogue and the conflict between Murrow and McCarthy.
Part 1 - In American author's 2009 book, The Help, the primary thesis is the relationship between Black maids and white households in Jackson, Mississippi during the early 1960s. The story is really told from three perspectives, Aibileen and Minny are Black women, both maids, and Skeeter is the nickname of Eugenia Phelan, daughter of a prominent White family. Skeeter has just finished school and hopes to become a writer. In general, the relationship between the Black maids and the White employers is six sided: On one side we have the White employers who have three views: 1) Their personal and private beliefs that can range from extreme scorn and bias to kindness regarding race; 2) Their public persona that must have the "proper" attitude about Blacks and "the help," and 3) Their employer attitude, which is condescending and parental. The Black view also has three segments: 1) Their personal and private beliefs that usually range from understanding not all Whites are the same and an extreme love and empathy for the White children for whom they care; 2) The public persona that is deferential, polite, and stoic to their White bosses; and 3) Their attitude and view among the Black community, which usually separates the "poor and ignorant but rich" White souls from the Black view of family and common sense. All in all, the relationship is contentious, phony, and based on economic advantage.
Some would claim any movie made for entertainment must possess some historical flaws “Good Night, and Good Luck” defies that rule even having the characters private lives straight. Don Hollenbeck committed suicide because using gas for the exact reasons the movie listed. State Master Encyclopedia states “He died from natural gas inhalation… several reasons that it might have been suicide included health problems, a broken marriage, and frequent published attacks by Jack O'Brian” (State master Encyclopedia). This event was completely and well illustrated in the movie. Joe and Shirley Wershba the married couple were really married which was forbidden through C.B.S. policy. Brooklyn College states, “Wershbas had to keep their marriage secret from their employers.” (Brooklyn College). The movie even got Edward Murrow’s smoking habits right. Ed Murrow smoked huge amounts of cigarettes Shirley Wershba stated in her interview. “Murrow was a four pack a day smoker” (Brooklyn College). “Good Night Good Luck” shows the real people acting in the movie brilliantly. The care Clooney takes showing the character’s accurately exemplifies the care he takes ensuring the movies complete accuracy.
The 2012 movie Argo is based off of a true event in 1979. During the Iranian Civil War, President Jimmy Carter gives the Iranian Shah refuge in the U.S. due to his illness. In retaliation, Iranian activists invade the U.S. embassy in Tehran, Iran and the staff are taken as hostages. This is famously known as the Iranian hostage crises. Although six of the staff members escape and are taken in by the Canadian Ambassador. Determined to rescue the six, Tony Mendez, who is our main character, from the CIA is brought in because of his expertise. After talking to his son one day while watching a science fiction program on TV, he comes up the idea to go into Iran, under the guise of Canadians
I remember watching this film for the first time back in 2001 when it was released and having not watched it in over a decade, I feel I can say that this film is still solid. The Others holds up so well due to the film relying on storytelling, atmosphere and sense of impending doom to create its tension. The Others is one of the rare big budget, well cast horror films that seem to pop up every couple of years and I love it when they do. I feel horror often gets the short end of the stick when it comes to Hollywood.