In the article “The Good That Community Colleges Do, Part 1”, author Rob Jenkins discusses the benefits and values of Community College. Recent studies have shown that the value of two-year colleges were hard to predict. In fact, one report shows that the value of a two-year degree is less than that of a high school diploma, while another report shows that most students are receiving a financial return on their degree. While Rob Jenkins believes both reports have valid points and arguments, he states that “so many of the things that community colleges do for their students and communities are difficult to measure empirically” (“The Good That Community Colleges Do, Part 1”). The first thing that Jenkins brings up to prove that community …show more content…
These dual-enrollment courses allow students to earn credits while in high school and prepares them for the reality of college. Jenkins believes that these programs help students mentally and financially in the long run. The dual enrollment classes are paid for mostly by the state, which relieves a bit of the financial burden on students and their parents for those participating in dual-enrollment. The last major benefit of community college that Jenkins brings up is the financial benefit. Universities tend to cost a little more than community colleges so by attending community colleges, students are not having to go into debt as much. Not only does tuition cost less, but you can live at home, saving you even more. Jenkins believes that if it weren’t for community colleges, tens of thousands of students would not be able to afford to go to college at all. These colleges offer many good benefits such as open doors, allow for early enrollment, and help ease the financial burden of getting a degree. Jenkins wouldn’t necessarily say that community colleges are better overall in achieving an education or that it is the better choice for most students. Jenkins believes that, though many debates are going back and forth, community college is the only way to for some students to earn a
This paper will first give a brief introduction on community college in the United States—its past and present. Then it will examine four main purposes for students attending a community college today. In the next part, an economic comparison between community college and four-year university will be given with a focus on two specific programs. At last, implication and conclusion will be presented.
One educational opportunity that I never would have thought would even have been an opportunity was my decision to go to community college. While I used to feel as though I had to prove myself by going to a 4-year university right away, at College of the Canyons, I have actually learned more about myself and my academic ethics. I used to feel that community college was a barrier, separating me from my university dreams. However, without my community college journey, my academic passions and endeavors might not have been the same. I have used this time to learn how to be more assertive as well as more willing to problem solve and think out of the box. Since my goals were not handed to me on a silver platter, the community college process has
Community Colleges tend to have fewer students per class, which means more attention from teacher to student. This is good for students who like access to their instructors so they can ask questions and avoid getting lost in the course material. Universities are bigger than community colleges and it takes a little longer to find your way around campus. Most teenagers graduate from high school eager to leave their parents house and do grown up things. The benefit of attending a University is living on campus instead of your parent’s home. Not all universities have dorms, but the majority of them do. Which you have to pay for parking, fitness center, laundry and other fees included. Both university and community colleges sponsor
In “Two Years Are Better Than One” by Liz Addison, the author explains that two year colleges are better than four. She begins with a quote of Rick Perlstein, her professor, who believes college is no longer important compared to how they used to be. On the other hand, the author claims that college will always matter. In fact, she argues that community colleges are better because they don’t only let you have the college experience, but they allow less fortunate students to continue their education. “The community college system is American’s hidden public service gem.” The author states that as any other four-year university, community colleges should also receive credit and more recognition. She gives an example of how a newspaper had an article describing a “college application essay” workshop for low income students, the author shares with us that she was upset that the newspaper ignored community colleges. She explains that community colleges help students to begin and to pursue their dreams. I believe community colleges, surely are better than four-year university, because community colleges prepare you to later on move on to a university, if you choose to.
In the article “Two Years Are Better Than Four” author Liz Addison writes about how community college is a forgotten option for many students in America, and that it is not well advertised like the universities are. She writes about how community college is a great option for students who need a less expensive option, but still want a chance to further their education. Addison also writes about how they allow everyone to attend so you can “just begin”. Community college is a great option for many students because it allows for an affordable option for students to continue their education.
Why is community college the most effective option? The answer to that question is simple. Community colleges provide just as much opportunities as a four year does, but just as a lower price. Price is a very important topic now a days and saving can be very beneficial to one's future. Another example of college price is the two colleges compared. Manuel S. Gonzalez Canche author of the article "Is the Community College a Less Expensive Path toward a Bachelor's Degree? Public 2- and 4-Year Colleges' Impact on Loan Debt", conducts a study to determine the price difference between starting at a two year school versus starting at a four year school. The outcome of the test was that a two year school has less expensive student loans. The study
Similarly, in “Two Years Are Better than Four”, Liz Addison argues that Community College is a good option for those who are not prepared for college or are unable to pay for a traditional 4-year degree. “Community college welcome people who comes from different background” (Addison). Because how much affordable Community college is in comparison to a traditional 4-year college. Community College gives hope to those who parents are blue-collar workers trying to give a better future to their children or those like my stepmother, who cannot obtain a four-year degree from medical school because of how much it costs. However, she can look for
This is not the only way that you can save by going to a community college. Chances are a larger university is not near your home. A school closer to home allows you to stay home and cut your bills another way by eliminating room and board fees and transportation expenses. Driving across town and maintaining your sometimes drastically lower living expenses sounds much better than the usurious bill many find themselves incurring at a larger school miles away from home.
Community colleges, sometimes called junior colleges, are two-year schools that provide postsecondary education as a pathway to a four-year degree. A lot of talented people who can do great things have to give up their dreams and start a full-time job right after high schools because they cannot pay their community college tuition and getting student loans can be a huge burden. Every one of us can think of a person who, although having a huge potential, did not go to college because of its cost. And every single person not getting their education because of
There are three main reasons why I agree Community College is the best choice. The cost of a Community college, and the cost of a University, to class sizes that could fit between 15-20 students, and the convenience that each school has for their students, and teachers. Although both, universities and community colleges serve the same purpose, the two are very different from each other. For instance, you might be an upcoming freshmen, and not sure whether in picking a 2- year college or a 4- year college. Choices could be, where you can pick a two- year college, but may not be able to experience a life you cannot have at a university. But, I can tell you this, if you are not prepared to leave home or you have no set goals in mind, then Community
Community college is a great institution for students to start their educational journey. Especially when they do not have the funds or lack some of the prerequisite that a university would require. Community college was created to serve the community, traditional and non-traditional students with the best higher education and lifetime learning opportunities. The faculty and staff members at a community college is there to provide leadership in education while going above and beyond to recognize the needs of the students and the community by providing excellent educational programs and support services that are available to all who have the opportunity to take advantage of them. “Student services now include recruitment and retention, counseling, student activities, student health, financial aid, academic support, career centers, transfer centers, and supplemental services such as transportation, child care, and services tailored for specific populations of students” (Cohen, Brawer, & Krisker, 2014, pg. 209). My philosophy in fulfilling the role and mission of the community college, is to establish the mission, vision, goals and values to guide all students on their journey to strive to become successful both in school and in today’s economy.
Countless numbers of college freshman transfer out after their first year of studies. Many return, some don't. Unfortunately, many of these students felt displaced and found that their expectations were not met by the university they attended. Attending community school gives students the opportunity to earn college credit while taking the time to select the 4-year institution that is right for them. Because there is little financial investment, most students
Attending a community college has several benefits such as the low tuition and book fees, smaller classes, and experienced teachers at an affordable cost. In this two year period students also have the time to mature and get serious about their career before they get into the four year institution
In every nation, education has an important influence on the improvement of its economy and politics. For the United States of American, community college becomes one of the main factors to determine how the country moves forward. Using table 101.20 from Digest of Education Statistics of the National center for Education Statistics, from 2000 to 2014, the increase in college enrollment has been contributed by increases in the traditional college-age population and rising enrollment rates. But increasing costs of tuition and different expenses each year have become huge obstacles for students to focus and maintain their education status and achievements. This issue brings up the controversy about whether community college education should
I think that universities are better than community colleges, because it provided a better education, and the degrees are more valuable, which overall can lead to students and staff to have more knowledge and can have a