Good writing is writing that clearly has a purpose and successfully represents that purpose through good use of rhetoric skills. This could be writing for many purposes such as an informational piece, persuasive or any other kind of communication that involves writing. A key term involved with good writing would be audience. Knowing beforehand what your target audience might think can help you structure your piece to be better received. Focusing on key ideas and leaving out excessive detail or information will help readers focus on the main ideas. Another key term would be word choice. A good choice of words can make the communication richer in detail and more precise.
In “Why Rhetoric Is Important in My Writing” by Elizabeth Jimenez, she describes how rhetoric is powerful in writing and how to use rhetoric effectively. According to Jimenez, “…rhetoric generally means the study and use of persuasive communication (or argument) …” (Jimenez 44), persuading an audience to influence “action” is powerful writing. Using rhetoric effectively means using academic arguments in writing which is a method used to compare views on controversial topics and allows students to persuade the audience of their view by using supporting evidence. Group activities is another method that increases the effectiveness of rhetoric by letting the students collaborate on paper topics and exchange views through academic conversation.
The chapter “What Is Writing?” that is part of the book “A Rhetoric for Writing Teachers” by Erika Lindemann emphasizes writing as a method that is used for communication. To analyze the elements of the communication process, Lindemann presents a triangle of communication that shows four main components that include the writer, the reader, the subject and the message. Furthermore, Lindemann includes Jakobson´s communication triangle to target more elements into the explanation of the writing process.
"The study of rhetoric traditionally has aimed to equip students with an ability to identify problems and issues, to investigate, to interpret, and to communicate results -- whatever the subject matter. These abilities require higher-level thinking, not just skills; analysis and evaluation, not just observation . . . . The study emphasizes strategies and practice rather than a body of facts and contemplation; thus the study of rhetoric aims for social application. Students are studying rhetoric in a technical communication course even though they may never hear of Aristotle nor study history and theory of rhetoric. Identifying a problem, gathering, interpreting, and arranging information,
This guide is to help aid you in bettering your writing skills and provide tips that approach the process of writing with rhetoric. I’m not a "great" writer myself therefore I cannot make you one. I can, however, explain to you the most important rhetorical concepts and writing strategies needed when writing any paper in hopes that it will aid you with any future writing assignments you come across.
When our Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math modules were updated, our district added the SOLIDWORKS program to our curriculum. SOLIDWORKS offers 3D CAD software tools used globally by engineers, designers, manufacturers, and technology professionals in a wide range of industrial, medical, scientific, consumer, and transportation fields to design and manufacture products. I quickly realized how beneficial this software could be to my students, particularly those interested in manufacturing, engineering, marketing, and design careers, and that I needed to become proficient with this software. I began accessing online tutorials and then attended training to obtain certification as a SOLIDWORKS Accredited Educator. My students were using
Writing is examined in the first chapter of “Writing about Writing”, a textbook by Elizabeth Wardle and Doug Downs. Not only does it examine articulate writing, but specifically the threshold Concepts of writing: “ideas that change the way you think, write, and understand a subject,” (Wardle, Downs 2011). Terms are used to educate readers, these terms are essential for the writer to better understand how to write, and for the reader to better understand composition. Three terms seem to do this; construct, contingency, and rhetoric.
While analyzing the article one thing that the author kept mentioning was knowing who the audience is and what it is that appeals to them. When the audience is taken aback for a moment and stops to fully digest the argument—that’s when there is no doubt someone has used the rhetorical skills well. For me that is one of the key factors that can help distinguish between whether a person has used the skills necessary to form a coherent argument. Good writers recognize their audience and set the tone accordingly, in doing so, they’re able to gauge their readers. However, there are other skills that are required of the writer to formulate their work such as researching the topic in its entirety and making sure that the evidence/facts presented come from credible sources. The writer should also know how to group the research and where to place it within the writing so that it leaves an impact.
Writing: Communicates thoughts, ideas, information, and messages in writing; records information completely and accurately; composes and creates documents such as letters, directions, manuals, reports, proposals, graphs, flow-charts; uses language, style, organization, and format appropriate to the subject matter, purpose, and audience; includes supporting documentation and attends to level of detail; and checks, edits, and revises for correct information, appropriate emphasis, form,
The concept of a tragic hero is one where despite reaching their goals, the protagonist ultimately ends up dead, and the inclusion of one in all Shakespearean tragedies provides us with the insight that the protagonist’s demise always stems from an inner turmoil, regardless of the external circumstances provided. Macbeth, the eponymous protagonist of Shakespeare’s 1606 play Macbeth, is a shining example of a tragic hero, initially portrayed as heroic and valiant, but unable to suppress his hamartia of ambition. This pushes him into a gradual descent in which his ambition in conjunction with his disregard for the Great Chain of Being and Divine Right of Kings results in him losing his wife, honour, and eventually, life. The belief of most civilians in Elizabethan times was that a violation of the natural order is sure to lead to one’s death, and Macbeth’s actions further strengthened this conviction. Furthermore, Macbeth’s ambition lead him to blindly trust in himself and act without fear of eventual consequences, in spite of equivocation being threaded throughout the fabric of several characters’ words.
The most important thing that a piece “good” writing does is make people question where they stand on certain topics. This is the most important thing because when you question things you learn more, and when learn more you will be able to teach more. When you read something you do not want to just read it and not learn anything from it, then there would have been no purpose in reading it. Writers do not just write papers so they can tell the reader what is right or wrong. They write to explain their theory, to make others understand where they are coming from and the logic behind them.
This for me was a very hard question to answer due to the fact that its an opinion, and there are very many types of writing. Different structures, ideas, metaphors, and concepts. You have to remember to ask, whether the writing in itself is good in my point of view or not, has to answer to my specific guidelines which in your case might not be the same. The first and foremost of the many guidelines is how the author set's up the introductory sentence or better yet, the hook. If the author for example, is writing a cook-book, his first sentence should be appealing to the sense of taste. For example, If you are writing on how to bake a chocolate cake, you can sound appealing by saying, it will almost feel like you added a hint of heaven
The smell of antiseptic filled my nostrils as I gripped my coffee firmly. Swinging my bag over my shoulders, I watched as the other nurses and doctors walked into rooms. Checking on patients and doing their daily rounds. The sound of familiar beeping rang through the air. I strolled past the front desk into the hospital break room. I opened the doors and heard the voice of my coworker.
The writer of “My Big Fat Greek Wedding,” Nia Vardalos, states the idea that in a household “the man is the head, but the woman is the neck. And she can turn the head any way she wants.” This metaphor between the head and the neck is represented in the relationship of Petruchio and Katherine. In Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew, Katherine uses her power as the neck to make Petruchio believe what she wants him to; a tamed shrew, when in actuality, that is what she’s posing for him to see. Whereas in “A Woman to Her Lover,” Christina Walsh believes that women should boldly stand up for equality in a household instead of manipulating the man. When a woman uses manipulation instead of demanding equality, they are letting men believe that they are in charge which is an idea that will be passed down if women do not start to stand up. Both The Taming of the Shrew and “A Woman to Her Lover” encourage women to resist conforming to the sexist expectations of society in order to avoid being oppressed and objectified.
It is September 2016 and I am not that interested in reading. I really am not feeling this “reading” thing because I mostly only read for school and not for pleasure when I was younger. Sure, I know how to read, but I am not into it. I have recently read some books for pleasure, but not many tend to grab my attention and I tend to forget that I have checked out a book. I do not really hate or dislike writing though. It is true that I mostly write for school, but I do not hate it.
Writing is one of the four basic skills to be taught for the students. It is a way for students to express their idea and opinion. The important of writing can be seen in daily activities when they need to write short texts such as memos, invitation letters, sympathy notes, brochure, article, business letters, applications letter and many others. Through writing students can transfer their experiences and knowledge to others. So, they should be able to produce sentences and develop it into paragraphs and essays. It is active thinking process of the students to plan, arrange and express idea in order the text could be understood by the readers. A good writing helps avoid misunderstanding between the writer’s idea and the reader’s opinion.