
Government Failure and Free to Air TV Licensing Essays

Decent Essays

Government Failure: Why the Majority View is Not Heard?
Free-to-air TV Licensing

1. Policy Background
a. 1957-1998
A total of 3 free television licenses granted and 2 television stations survive
In 1957, Rediffusion Television Limited (RTV, now known as Asia Television Limited, ATV) was the first company in Hong Kong granted a television license to operate a wired subscription service. Eight years later, wireless television broadcasting was available, and the first license was granted to Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) and it started providing free television service in 1967. Before 1973, TVB was the only operator in the free television industry but the monopoly market structure changed as the government decided to issue …show more content…

e. October 2013
Only two new licenses were granted
After receiving the three applications, the government spent over three years evaluating the proposals of the applicants and finally made an announcement on 15th October saying the Chief Executive in Council approved two applications (from Fantastic TV and HKTVE) for free television licenses. The whole society was shocked because that means HKTV, which is considered as the most competitive applicant among the three companies, is not given a free-to-air television license.

Even though Gregory So, Secretary of the Commerce and Economic Bureau and CY Leung, Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR “explain” the decision, citizens found the reasons are not acceptable. A mass rally was being held at the Central Government Offices to protest against the decision not to give HKTV a free-to-air television license and to ask for more choices of free television stations. But the government is unresponsive to the public demand.

2. Government Failure----Failure of Political System
A. Collective Decision
The Executive Council is actually the ultimate decision-making body on granting free television license. So, how

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