I agree that a government treating their citizens as customers is problematic. The problem is how each party views the other’s role in this relationship and the desired outcomes of the transaction. Customers have a very passive relationship to their providers; the customer pays money for a service and the business provides that service. The business maintains total control over what goods and services it provides and may not provide options from which customers can choose (Resnikoff, 2013). The customer can choose with whom it does business and the provider can choose to whom it provides the service. In this situation, the focus in purely monetary: the more money we “customers” put into the government, the more goods and services we should receive. The government must also acknowledge “the customer is always right” (Bellavita, 2013) and that it has an obligation to provide the services they claim to supply. This is impossible by government standards because there are too many customers with different views on what is right so in this transactional relationship, those with the most money will receive their version of what is right. In essence, the government can be purchased; those with the most money will have the most influence.
The other problem with this view is it causes both parties to focus on individual needs instead of those of the collective (Bellavita, 2013). When we view ourselves as customers, this also encourages us to be more competitive and focus
Charles states in this chapter of the book that the government being the only provider for a good or service is extremely inefficient. He uses examples such as the postal system. The only reason the government should take sole responsibility for goods and services if the private companies won’t be efficient in doing so. Like the Department of Motor Vehicles, if other private companies start giving out licenses they may give them to people that shouldn’t receive them. The government, however, can give the responsibilities of the postal service and that in return will give them to develop in other areas. Charles also states that the government doesn’t always have to do the work. For example, the government just writes out plans and then hires bidding contractor companies to construct projects like highways, buildings, and shopping complexes.
Although these are positive qualities of our company, our competitive advantage is costly. By having a product for every customer, we may not be focusing enough on our best product that could be generating the highest profit. If we invest the same amount for every product, it could lead to investing too much money on those products not performing as well; moreover, not investing enough on those products performing the
Since the beginning of humanity, there have always been the rulers, and the ruled. The rulers have always been the government, and the ruled has always been the people. One would believe that the government would be truthful and be interested in their people's well being, but clearly, this is not the case. In fact, lies are often more common than the truth. Facts are changed based on the governing party's current needs. The government wants to control their people, to have an unquestioning, thoughtless population that make them more powerful, as this is their main priority. As a generalisation, the government is more interested in their well-being than that of the people who drive it.
The needs of customers may sometimes be conflicting (for example, managers want production results and longer working hours whereas employees want more time off and focus on work/life balance).
The needs of customers may sometimes be conflicting (for example, managers want production results and longer working hours whereas employees want more time off and focus on work/life balance).
From the majestic words of the brilliant Philoshope John Locke, a governmental system has the obligation to provide and work for the people, in either a direct or indirect matter. The system should satisfy and benefit the citizen in every possible aspect, rather than preventing the forward advancement of a nation’s people. Locke believed that the
Personally I think it’s the governments job to protect the people even if it is not an economically smart decision. When government is getting to personal and aggressive by forcing people to pay for Medicare or Medicaid in which if the person doesn’t not get Medicare or Medicaid results in them getting a separate tax to being doing a little too much. I think that the government crosses the line some times in the amount of benefits that they are giving out to the
Through sustaining the customer relationships, leaders of the company have realized that “becoming nearer to the consumer” is vital for the progression.
The responsibilities of government are to protect its citizens by such means as our armed services or military weapons. Government is to ensure there is a way of fairly maintaining order as an example our police, National Guard, and to ensure every citizen has equal access to items, products, goods such as schools, and highways. However, government or politics often has a negative connotation too many as it is viewed as a way for lobbyists and those with money to make policies that are important or in some way helpful to them. Many view politics as dishonest and that politics is a manner in which someone or group benefits for their own advantage and not for society as a
In order to determine what goods and services the government should provide to its citizens, it is important to understand the reason why the government, whether it is federal, state or local play a significant role in providing goods and services to its citizens. After conducting my research, the primary reason is that it is economically feasible and cost-effective for the government to provide these goods and services to ensure that all citizens are fairly receiving the basic needs for survival. In the United States of America, the government is responsible for protecting and serving all citizens; therefore, the goods or services provided to all citizens are non-rivalrous and non-excludable. According to our textbook, goods and services
It would have been good if this fundamental vision was in place right at the very beginning of the company’s formation. In the end it is the customers that make the company, so it makes sense to work towards satisfying this customer relationship. To become profitable and achieve market share are secondary objective that can be measured on a annual basis and overall company well being targets can be rewarded with incentives that link into the company’s performance as opposed to individual contribution to the company’s success.
era in which peers influence each other as much as companies do, good customers can’t be
First of all, the main thing that all firms want is to make as much profit as possible. To support this claim we can look at the basic economic theory of people rationality and profit maximization (Frank, 2010). Under a more is better assumption, people have to seek for tangible assets and they get better off with every cent they receive. Profit maximization relies on this assumption and proves that profits are the main reason we have companies and, in turn, loyalty programs. Firms do like dependent and loyal clients, because for them, returning clients are the main source of money. However, consumers should not be influenced by this theory, since they have a full freedom to choose which products to buy, so companies
There 's a great deal of truth in this thought. In any case, a great deal of diligent work needs to go into figuring out what clients need, and recognizing where they do their shopping. At that point you have to make sense of how to deliver the product at a value that speaks to esteem to them, and get it all to meet up at the basic time.
In marketing and selling products and services to those who don't want to be customers of them, the most critical success factors are creating a high level of trust and selling solutions instead of products. Solution selling needs to concentrate on positive aspects of the product or service, communicating benefits and value that accentuate care, concern and empathetic experiences that all lead to greater trust (Dawson, 2001). For exchange relationships that involve transactions that people would rather ignore, trust and authenticity are the two most critical success factors in selling products and services successfully. The ability to position any product or service so that dignity, respect and empathy for the patient or situation family members are grappling with are at the core of the value proposition is essential (Urban, 2005). Even for those products and services that no one wants to be a consumer of or participating in, the need for creating the foundations of a successful, positive experience is key to building trust and being successful in these delicate marketing and selling situations (Palmer, 2010). Consumers of diabetic monitoring machines, in-home healthcare monitoring machines and funeral services look for empathy, expertise and intelligence in the solutions they are shopping for to these challenging problems (Cleary, Schlesinger, Blumenthal, 1991) (Langreth, 2008). What unifies all of these areas strongly is the