
Gracen Cognitive Score

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Interpretation of Cognitive Scores versus Achievement Scores The IQ is more than one aspect of functioning and encapsulates several factors described in the definitions of the composite score above It is often more helpful to assess the indices which comprise a child’s FSIQ separately in order to best inform treatment and intervention Gracen scored overall in the Superior range on his Full Scale Score on the WISC-V with a Full Scale Score of 129. On the Full Scale test, Ben scored as well or better than 97 children out of 100 that have taken this test at his age level. Students at Gracen’s age still have some flexibility to go up or down; however, statistically, children who are Gracen’s age, typically have a constant intelligence score. …show more content…

It appears that he has a visual tic when he becomes nervous or anxious. During the first day of testing, Gracen blinked throughout most of the testing. Eye blinking occurred less often on the second day of testing. At times, when tasks became more difficult, he appeared to blink often. Another behavior observed both in the classroom and during the testing was Gracen’s verbal skills. His verbal comprehension and oral expression in both settings was significantly higher than expectations. Based on this, Gracen’s verbal scores may not be an accurate reflection of his skills. During the testing he at times tried to over think the task and with that, he would miss a question. His errors were not because he did not understand the question or know the answer; but it was his desire to provide the perfect answer that messed him up. His verbal skills if remeasured would probably fall within the very superior range. Gracen’s score on the WISC-V (intelligence) and the WJIV (achievement) correlate with each other. Gracen did well on tasks that involved utilizing his language skills. His Reading Composite and his Academic Knowledge were both at the 95-96th %tile. Again, both of these cluster scores indicate strong verbal skills. His math problem skills were also very high Gracen score at the 99%tile. It appears that once Gracen learns the task, he retains the

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