
Why I Want To Be A Middle School Teacher

Decent Essays

It is said that teaching is one the profession that creates all other professions. Everyone has been in contact with a teacher in some way or another. We understand that without teachers we would most likely be nowhere. Especially middle school teachers, who teach us during the time when we are most developing who we are, and what we want to do with ourselves. Have you ever thought about what it’s like, to be the person behind shaping all of tomorrow 's wonderful minds? Hopefully, your questions are answered, as you read on. I feel a thank you should be commissioned to Mr. Dylan Harrington for helping me better understand what it is like to be a middle school teacher through allowing me to interview him and observe his classes.

Middle school teachers commonly teach four or five classes per day. Each class includes somewhere between fifteen to forty students depending on the region in which they instruct in. Mid - Level teachers compose a lesson plan that includes the knowledge they want to distribute, as well as the as worksheets, quizzes, and or tests they will provide for the class. Usually, there is a government injuncted curriculum that is required of them to teach. Teachers, however, decide how they will instruct the material and depending on the state in which you are an educator, in what order they will educate the modules.

However, schooling isn’t just about having facts memorized and repeated. A teacher has to show their students why it is essential to know

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