
Great Leaders : A Great Leader

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Great spiritual leaders are needed in the church, the secular world, and in all areas of society. The book is introduced by talking about humility. It explains how a person that is pursuing to become a great spiritual leader is actually freed from the idolatry of self-centeredness. They no longer have to seek position and power, but they are released to pursue greatness like Jesus exampled in humility, effectiveness, and service. Great leaders are concerned about others and leave them in a better state than when they found them. Great spiritual leaders need to learn and develop into the men or women the Lord intended them to become. McNeal does a tremendous job of laying out what a person needs to do to be a great leader. He gives seven …show more content…

The next chapter is all about decision-making. McNeal says, “Great leaders know how to make decisions, when to make decisions, and what decisions need to be made.” Good leaders are also asking and spending their limited time on the right questions.
The discipline of belonging is covered in chapter six. Great leaders maintain significant relationships; even though they take time an effort. On the contrary, chapter seven talks about the discipline of aloneness. One fact of leadership is that there will be times that are secluded from others. A leader must choose to set aside alone time to emotional and spiritual challenges of life. Great spiritual leadership is an accumulation of multiple disciplines and practices. Leaders have an option as to whether or not they choose greatness.
Concrete Response Each one of these disciplines prompts my memory to various stories and experiences in my life. I can see how each one has shaped and molded me into the leader that I am today. One story in particular came to mind as I was reading the chapter on self-development. I have always been a learner and a reader. I have listened to podcast, sermons, and others forms of self-education all of my life. However, for over twelve years, for some reason, I have run from formal education in ministry. I obtained an associate degree in nursing at an early age. I worked for a short few years as a nurse and then started working full time in ministry. I knew the work and

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