
Great Leaders: Thomas Hobbes, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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The world has its fair share of leaders, both good and bad, real and fictional. How did they lead? By example? Fear? Power? Which is the best way, the moral way, and the most effective way? Leadership, as previously stated has many different ways of showing itself, and in the period of human history there has always been someone on top. Great leaders and not so great leaders, it is this select few that characterizes the world we live in now. Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Dr. Jose Rizal, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. are some of the many positive great examples history could offer, however, Mao Zedong, Kim Jong Un, Karl Marx, and Adolf Hitler are some not so great figures in the world. Although these leaders may seem worlds apart the similarity …show more content…

The path after they gained followers however is very unique. D'autre part there are also literary leaders the changed and led the world. For example Tom Sawyer. This character, made merely by words on paper inspired, inspire, and will continue to inspire and lead people till the end of time. The line between good and bad is a very thin one, especially on a world full of different ideas, thinking, perspective, and political views. However, here in the US, Americans value freedom, the capitalistic way of thinking and Democracy. Therefore, John Locke, and Thomas Hobbes from the enlightenment era are labeled as heroes, the fathers of modern democracy. However, at their time they were the radicals people knew to hate and were labeled “bad”. With their “radical” way of thinking they were incarcerated, always fearing for their lives. John Locke was Jailed and exiled to a foreign country because of the throne’s fear of this …show more content…

Karl Marx the father of modern socialism and is without a doubt the most influential socialist thinker to emerge in the 19th century. His works “The Communist Manifesto” and “Das Kapital” anticapitalist works that practically goes against anything free. However, they were praised by all socialist, and communist parties in the world Russian Federation, North Korea, and People’s Republic of China holds this book highly, and follow its examples. Although to the capitalist world this seems like a nightmare, to the socialist world accomplishing his goal is a dream come true. Kim Jong Il and Mao Zedong are hailed almost like gods in their respective countries started leading their countries by example, however, with greed they succumb to the sin and started using their power and leading with fear. In China and North Korea many of its citizens are hungry, unemployed, and downright in poverty all the while the heads of government are living luxuriously. Although, this path evidently shows success, as in North Korea Kim Jong Un is a third generation leader, in Cuba the Castro family are still ruling and in history kings and other forms of royalty shows a long linear line of one family

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