
Greek Goddess Devian Essay

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Devi is not merely a goddess of fertility, sex or childbirth, she is “known by [a] myriad of names and personified in many forms” (“Devi: The Great Goddess”), such as Durga the cosmic warrior, Sarasvati the goddess of learning and music, and Sita the heroine of Ramayana. One constant remains, however. Devi is immensely powerful and a prominent part of any society or religion in which she is worshipped, so much so that she represents the very “powerful spiritual energy” (“Devi: The Great Goddess”) which fuels her male counterparts (such as Brahma and Vishnu). Above all else, Devi is the symbol of divine femininity in all its incarnations: as a gentle mother, pure woman, loving creator, vengeful destroyer, loyal lover, and the very energy of …show more content…

Athena was born of the god Zeus and the female titan Metis. Zeus was fearful of Athena even before her birth and tried to stop her from being born, a testament to her ability. Perhaps Athena’s greatest accomplishment is that of becoming the “patron goddess of Athens” (“Athena – Ancient Greek Goddess”). She bested her challenger, fellow god Poseidon, by offering a more practical, but elegant gift to the Athenian peoples: an olive tree, compared to Poseidon’s spring. Devi and Athena are quite different in terms of their roles and abilities but a significant similarity they share is that they are both virgins, but for unique reasons. However, Devi’s virginity represents the purity of a young and beautiful, but also fertile woman. Devi represents the idea of an all-encompassing matriarchy as she did not literally birth a child or children, but is the mother of all life and existence, thus her status as a virgin. Athena’s virginity, on the other hand, emphasizes the “ambiguity surrounding her gender” (“Athena – Ancient Greek Goddess”). Athena is a woman by nature, remains a virgin, and dons the armor of a soldier, putting her somewhere in the realm between girl and woman. As such, Athena is a combination of both the masculine and the feminine, a “perfect symbol of the matriarchal characteristics and patriarchal authority” (“Athena – Greek …show more content…

Demeter was one of the children that their father, the titan Cronos, swallowed out of fear that that they would overthrow his rule. After being freed by Zeus, Demeter took part in the battle against the titans by bringing forth “the seeds and knowledge to make their crops grow” (“Demeter: Goddess of the Harvest”). Additionally, Demeter played a major role in the creation of early human society. After help people understand the ways of farming, she set down laws to relegate the growth and distribution of crops and henceforth she became known as “Thesmophorus, the Law-Giver” (“Demeter: Goddess of the

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