
Greek Letter Organizations Impact

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e Impact & Influences of Pledging Black Greek Letter Organizations: A Member’s Perspective The Impact & Influences of Pledging Black Greek Letter Organizations: A Member’s Perspective Carey S. Williams Northwestern State University The Impact & Influences of Pledging Black Greek Letter Organizations: A Member’s Perspective It is said that Greek life will change a person’s life in so many ways. Aside from partying, staying up late, learning the secret handshake and secret rituals, thousands of black college students embark on a journey of a lifelong brotherhood or sisterhood to one of the most prestigious black Greek letter organizations, known as BGLO. Since their beginning, BGLO’s have been impacting the lives of students at …show more content…

Thus, when we (potentially) see attitudinal/behavioral differences years later between college alumni who did and did not participate in the fraternity/sorority system those differences could reflect the pre-college personalities of the two groups and not the actual experience of being in a Greek organization (Reifman, 2011 pg 2). Some students may be impacted with the best experience out of joining a fraternity or sorority while others may experience the opposite. "for every girl who emerges from a sorority with improved self-esteem, there are numerous others whose confidence has been crushed" (Robbins, 2004 p.320). “a heavy reliance on men for social validation; and enormous time and financial commitments”. In some sororities, members are officially required to attend a certain percentage of events and even when not technically required, many feel implicitly that they should attend sorority activities over important outside functions (Robbins, 2004 …show more content…

While not trying to lose focus on the research at hand, as a graduate of a PWI and a current employee of an HBCU, it is evident that stipulations are more lenient at the HBCU institution. This study attempts to answer the question, “What impact and influences does fraternities and sororities have on individuals’ attitudes and behaviors, both undergraduate and post graduate. The research questions were given to members of a BGLO from a PWI or HBCU that were currently an undergraduate or post graduate. Members of Alpha Phi Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, Phi Beta Sigma, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Zeta Phi Beta, and Sigma Gamma Rho were given research questions to answer to conduct this

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