
Greek Mythology Analysis

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Greek mythology is ancient because they explained the origins of the gods and their individual relations with mankind. The story of Atalanta not being a boy and getting left in the woods to die, growing up to be the best hunter, and if you don't pay your sacrifice you will be punished.
Atalanta had a father named Iasus which was upset that she was not born a boy. Iasus didn’t like the fact that she wasn’t a boy. He had wanted a son, so the fact that his wife gave birth to a beautiful baby girl he was furious. “She wasn’t worthy bringing up” (Hamilton 180). Iasus took the young baby into the woods and left her there in the cold night to die. A bear took her under her wing and raised the baby girl as her own. The she-bear nursed the young baby …show more content…

Once there, he attempted to fulfill his fatherly obligations by looking for a husband for his lovely daughter. For her to simply refuse might rouse dangerous resentment. Instead she proposed a test. The successful suitor would have to beat her in a foot race knowing that nobody could beat her because she was simply the best. Losing suitors would be beheaded by herself. As Atalanta was one of the fastest mortals this appeared to ensure her maidenhood. For quite some time this test worked. Many would say that she evened the odds by wearing armor while she ran. Others would say that she gave the suitors a head start of half the distance. In any case the heads stacked up more and more. Melanion fell in love with Atalanta. He knew that he was not fast enough to win the race. So he did what many frustrated lovers had done; he prayed to Aphrodite for help. She had a weakness for lovers and a concern about those that rejected romance to the degree that Atalanta did. Aphrodite presented Melanion with three golden apples and a plan. In return, Melanion was to sacrifice to Aphrodite. Melanion then ran his race with Atalanta carrying the apples with him. When Atalanta caught up to him he tossed the first apple at her feet. The sight of the magic golden apple was irresistible to Atalanta. She stopped to pick it up confident that she would make up the time. Soon enough she was once again passing Melanion. He threw the second apple, this time further to the side. Again, she lost time receiving the apple. As she again caught up the finish line was near and chasing the third thrown Apple cost her the race. Despite her resistance, marriage seemed to suit Atalanta. Melanion’s happiness and joy was so great that he completely forgot about his obligations to sacrifice to Aphrodite. As usual when messing up with the gods revenge was severe. Aphrodite

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