
Greek Theatre Development

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In the 6th century BCE, a new form of recreation and entertainment was taking place. A new artform would revolutionize civilization in ancient Greece, and subsequently, the rest of the world. With this new artform came many inventions and developments that have surpassed centuries and influenced future creativity. With these developments came the theatre of ancient Greece.
While some sources claim that Greek theatre began around the 6th century, other sources claim that the origins are vague and subject to debate. There is, however, evidence suggesting that the origins of Greek theatre can trace back to when Greek farmers would celebrate with feasts, music, and dancing after a bountiful harvest. Evidence also suggests that Greek theatre also originated as entertainment for the god Dionysos. There is also not much evidence of how early Greek theatres were built as they were constantly rebuilt. So far, the only evidence of the ambiance and environment surrounding Greek theatre is in vase paintings.
Once Greek theater took off, it suddenly became the talk of the town, and by the end of the 6th century BCE, every city in ancient Greece would hold a theatre, which was usually built along a slope so that audiences sitting the farthest would be able to see the play take place. These “theatrons”, though constantly refurbished, had at least three sections: the orchestra, the skene, and the audience. The orchestra was where all the acting and performances took place. It was the main

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