
The Effects of Greek Theatre on Women

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Effect of Greek Theatre on Women
“Theatre is the art that shaped the Hellene culture, and that is the single most influential culture that shaped the world (Germal 57)”. The people of ancient Greece, known as the people Hellenes, were responsible for many firsts, theatre being among them. Theatre and other arts flourished in ancient Greece between 550 BCE and 220 BCE. Its geographic influence was momentous, spanning through parts of modern day Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Spain, and France. These productions were showcased and funded by the government, making them accessible to all citizens. This allows for an accurate portrayal of Greek culture due to the large amount of people that experienced it, as it was an integral part of their culture, …show more content…

“This ever changing people’s history is left in the few remaining volumes the works of comedy, tragedy, and satire (____________90)”.
One of the earliest Greek records of satire can be traced to around 500 B.C. Early Greek satires ("Satyrs" or "Satyric dramas") were in essence comedy plays, usually fairly bawdy, and often involved men dressed as Satyrs (clearly the root of the word Satyric). Satyrs were mythological creatures with the upper half of a man and the bottom half of a goat or horse. "Satyr" was one of three forms of Athenian drama, nestling comfortably as a new genre alongside tragedy and comedy. Satyr was quickly developed between the writers Pratinas, Aristeas, and Aeschylus. These new "Satyrs" did not begin life as fully developed features - they were instead used as interval pieces to relieve the seriousness of tragic plays. These comic pieces, counterpointing and parodying the tragedy, became extremely popular devices and led to the extension of the form.
Ancient Greek comedy was one of the final three principal dramatic forms in the theatre of classical Greece (the others being tragedy and the satyr play). Athenian comedy is conventionally divided into three periods, Old Comedy, Middle Comedy, and New Comedy. Old Comedy survives today largely in the form of the eleven surviving plays of Aristophanes, while Middle Comedy is largely lost, i.e. preserved only in relatively short fragments in authors such as Athenaeus of Naucratis. New Comedy is known

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