
Grey's Anatomy Essay

Decent Essays

The best television show made is any show that inspires people to follow their dream. There are many shows they were produced to do just this. They demonstrate that no matter how different you may be or where you’re from anything can be possible if you work hard enough. Motivating the youth as well as adult population to go after a career or passion. For this reason, no one show is the greatest of all time for the entire population. Each individual has a show that they admire and enjoy watching. This show should allow the person to forget all that’s on their mind and let them escape their reality for the short hour in which the productions airs. Grey’s Anatomy is this show for me and many others around the nation. It was the first show which …show more content…

It demonstrates that there is a way for people to stay attached to something for that many years and with that demand the producers will remain creating new …show more content…

There is always new life lesions integrated into each storyline. There is also a perspective of life and personality placed with each character. Behind each and every scene there is a greater purpose that the producer embedded into it. This subconsciously has the watcher learn a lesson while watching the series and having them more attached to the show. This is all within the production Grey’s Anatomy. Incorporating that there is a way for one to be successful in whatever they dream whether they are male or female, young or old, rich or poor. The message that any person no matter who they are can do what they put their mind too even if it is a high status career. Explaining the work that it takes to get there and obstacles they will have to overcome. With this accomplishment of a great career due to their hard work it is also possible for them to have great relationships and family life outside of work. Grey’s just as any other well created series can help sculpt the minds of this generation. Television is an adequate way enforce much needed societal messages to the population, trying to help change the wrong doings present in this

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