
Grief In Judith Guest's Ordinary People

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At some point in our life we all deal with grief. Whether it’s because of the loss of a loved one, a relationship, or even if you’re the one dying. Grief is something no one wants to bear, but we all feel its heaviness one way or another. In her model, Kubler-Ross introduced the five stages of grief, and this model can be applied to every situation involving grief or loss. In the novel Ordinary People, by Judith Guest, we can see the process of grief and how we and those around us are affected emotionally through the perspective of Conrad and Calvin. In the novel, Conrad has just lost his brother and is experiencing inner turmoil about his life. Using the Kubler-Ross model, Conrad’s grief can be broken down and his progress and development through the five stages can be seen. In the beginning of the book the author is vague about the …show more content…

He uses the color blue and grey to convey his feelings of failure and anxiety. Because Conrad is so hard on himself right from the start, it is difficult to see the first stage of grief, denial, in his development. Denial is “only a temporary defense, it is a feeling of heightened awareness of situations and Individuals” as said in the Kubler-Ross model. This “heightened awareness of situations can be seen through his over analyzing in conversations and situations. His denial isn’t only within, but it is seen on the outside through his need to convince everyone that he’s okay by over analyzing conversations and trying to be who he used to be. This goes as far as forcing himself to laugh and to be humorous in order to relieve others of their stress for him “‘I didn’t think they would let you have scissors,’ his grandmother said to him. ‘They shouldn’t have,’ he answered her, oh so casual, thereby relieving the listeners of shock and embarrassment while

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