
Grit Is Necessary For Success

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Grit is Necessary for Success
In today’s economy, jobs have become more specialized and more technology-driven than ever before. The requirements for higher levels of education and training have increased; especially in mathematics and science—than did most of the jobs available to high school graduates in the past. To enter the workforce with the math, science, and problem-solving skills students need to succeed in the tough and challenging economy, students must also be able to succeed in college. Angela Duckworth explains in her video how having grit can help to make students become more motivated and successful college students. Students with grit compared to students without it, have more drive, are more likely to make their brain adapt to more challenges, and will have a greater variety of career options. Without further education and training after high school, it is difficult to support a family or to earn a self-sufficient living. Unless more students of the U.S. are able to succeed in getting a post-secondary education, they will lack the requirements needed to fill the necessary jobs our country needs to survive. Angela states in her video that “gritter” kids are more apt to carry out their goals for long periods of time. Most students persevere through simply daily task like homework or studying. However, the ones with grit tend to stay motivated for years through each obstacle they encounter until their goals are achieved. As reported by,

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