
Grit Is What Separates Fruitful Lives From Aimlessness

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The Christian author, John Ortberg once stated, “Over time, grit is what separates fruitful lives from aimlessness” (Ortberg). This powerful statement is a very popular belief, that grit is a defining characteristic in our lives. How we go about developing this trait on the other hand is hotly debated. On one side there are, as I call them the critics. They believe that grit is a hereditary trait that cannot be developed in a school environment. Moreover, they believe that if it were to be attempted to be taught, that the consequences would have terrible repercussions on our society. On the other side there are the optimists. They have confidence that grit can be taught, but not quite in the way we first expected. Of course, they also reason that teaching grit has a lifelong positive effect on our society. To be honest I believe that grit can and should be taught in schools. The new and promising evidence of its teaching and results cannot be ignored. It overwhelms the older critical beliefs. In the end though, one must determine for themselves what is right.
Many have decided for themselves that grit cannot be taught in a school setting. One of their main issues with attempting to teach grit is that there still isn’t a standardized form of teaching this trait. There have been many theories and propositions, but it seems that each strategy is incomplete in some way. Their theory, as stated by the author, Toby Young, is that, “character traits are inherited, not taught”

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