
Group Work Research Paper

Decent Essays

Group work is supposed to be relaxed while getting all of your work done together, but it is hard to do when you are doing everything by yourself. It is like you are not accomplishing anything. I highly disagree with group work because of all the negative effects. Some of the reasons I dislike group work are because of not participating, getting nasty grades, bad communication. One reason I do not agree with group work is due to the lack of participation. So many teenagers in middle school depend on one person to do all the work. That is called being lazy. If I get put in a group that I do not enjoy, at the end of the class, I will be the one who does all the work. I would definitely go talk to a teacher because someone is not doing their …show more content…

Since it is a GROUP project, everyone gets the same grade. For example, the person that is doing the work may make a mistake on something, and that would be a few points off since there was no one else to check it over. In my opinion, I would not appreciate getting an awful grade on a project I did all by myself. Overall, laziness is a big effect for group projects. The last reason I dislike group projects is due to bad communication. If you get put with students who you do not know, that is a big problem. There is no way to get an important project done if you cannot talk to your peers. You should be able to work and talk with your classmates in the group even if they are not your friends. I feel that communication with your peers is a great thing to do because you actually might get your work done faster. One other thing I do not agree on is getting to pic your own partners for the group. In my opinion, teachers should put students with other students so they can actually take their time and work instead of talking about different things. You would be able to focus a lot better without working with your best friend. There should be students communicating with the room next to someone, not people having conversations across the room. For example, one project I did, there were students screaming across the room while sounding like wild

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