
Guerrilla Warfare Leaders of the 20th Century Essay

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Historical interpretations relating to small wars in the post Napoleonic period in relation to insurgent guerrilla warfare in urban and agrarian societies across the globe share universal themes. These commonalities will be explored relating why combatants in guerrilla warfare fight. Moreover, what objectives guerrilla leaders wanted to achieve with their theories of social revolution. The works discussed are Mao Tse-tung, On Guerrilla Warfare, Ernesto Che Guevara, Guerilla Warfare, and Carlos Marighella, Minimanual of The Urban Guerrilla. All three of these historical leaders were well-educated men who were social reformers. All concerned with inequalities among their people. All devised ways to wage class warfare within their …show more content…

They wanted social and political systems to change and change fast. As a result, small guerrilla wars were waged.
These three books span the globe from China, Brazil, Cuba, and Bolivia. Consequently, these books influenced Ho Chi Minh in Viet Nam and numerous other underground movements around the world.
Mao Tse-tung the Ruler of Red China and transformer of culture founded the People’s Republic of China in 1949. Mao after ten years of fighting the Nationalist army of Chiang Kai-shek retreated from battle to write On Guerilla Warfare. Mao successfully used his theories on guerrilla warfare and ousted the Nationalists Chinese from the mainland.

Why Fight: Samuel B. Griffith II, translator of On Guerilla Warfare, explained by “Recognizing the fundamental disparity between agrarian and urban societies, Mao advocated unorthodox strategies that converted deficits into advantages: using intelligence provided by sympathetic peasant population; substituting deception, mobility, and surprise for superior firepower; using retreat as an offensive move; and educating the inhabitants on the ideological basis of the struggle” (Back cover).
Imagine 400 million persons living at the bare subsistence level experiencing floods, droughts, epidemics, owning no land of their own (pg. 13). China was a Feudal system rotten with unfair tax collectors, bandits,

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