
Gun Control Essay

Decent Essays

Gun control is a heated topic for Americans everywhere, but it is one that needs to be settled and agreed upon. Gun control has been around since after the Civil War. It was first used to keep former black slaves from having the right to own guns. (The reason for this is because some white people were afraid there could be a rebellion from blacks who were still angry about being enslaved and their rights being taken away.) a little long and wordy Today, gun control is a very sensitive topic for Americans. Some people see the gun as a symbol of their freedom in America; while others think of it as an evil force to be reckoned with. In fact, guns can be both. On one hand, America started with guns. Guns are part of what made America the …show more content…

They incited fear and anger in Americans nationwide. In October 2015, 55% of Americans supported stricter gun control laws. This percentage was higher than previous years because of recent mass shootings. Statistics show that percentages spiked after mass shootings and would slowly decline over time. While parents and family members wanted to avenge their loved ones by pushing for stricter laws, others didn’t want to allow mass shootings to define their rights, or lack thereof. America’s gun problems are so much more than mass shootings. Gang violence has been around since the Old West. What started out as shootouts at high noon modernised into inner city gang wars. “The County and City of Los Angeles are the “gang capital” of the nation. There are more than 450 active gangs in the City of Los Angeles. Many of these gangs have been in existence for over 50 years. These gangs have a combined membership of over 45,000 individuals.”(Gangs. (n.d.).) “Violence tied to gangs remained the leading motive for homicides in L.A., at 160 killings, or about 62% of the city's total — up from 145 such killings in 2013. The LAPD's 77th Street Division saw a 59% increase in gang-related homicides (16 more

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