
Gun Control In America

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Violence in America :Gun Control From school shootings to movie theaters, and concerts, we the people of the United States have noticed tremendous amounts massacres going on in our country. All of this violence raises many questions, and a lot of controversy in our country. Does the government need to ban guns completely? Or just have more control on guns? Many people like to argue that this violates their rights, and the second amendment of the U.S. constitution telling us that “the people have the right to bear arms”. Many people like to argue that guns don’t kill people, but that people kill people. “In the past year there has been 372 mass shootings in 2015 in the U.S. Approximately 33,636 deaths due to firearms each year (Shaus 8).” Many other countries do not have a big issue on homicides due to firearms. In Australia guns have been banned, and led to only 18 mass shootings since 2009. “The UK totaling in 56 million people, and only about 50 to 60 deaths a year occur annually from the violence of firearms (Rapoport 1).” In today's world U.S. gun violence is a nuisance, and should be controlled.
As of now, the United states has no laws prohibiting the use of guns, furthermore with the fact that “some states such as; Alaska, Vermont, Arizona, Idaho, Mississippi, Wyoming, North Dakota, Kansas, Missouri, West Virginia, New Hampshire, and Maine do not require a permit to be able to carry a concealed weapon (Seitz-Waldz 7).” This displays how easy it is to acquire a

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