The United States of America is facing a very important problem with guns. This problem has been brought to light recently by mass killings. Weak gun laws allow criminals to get their hands on deadly weapons capable of ending many innocent lives. There are many automatic weapons being sold in the U.S. that don't belong in civilian hands. While the U.S. government is pouring money into military spending, innocent lives are being lost due to mass killings across the U.S. In just 2015 alone, 22 mass shootings where more than four people were killed have taken place. Most of the shooters were either mentally unstable, connected with militant organizations, or had extremist views on race, religion, or nationality. There were also hundreds of smaller
What if an individual could acquire a gun like you buy a pair of shoes whatever size or color you want? Could you imagine what it would be like? The mere thought of every person in the city walking around with guns is frightening. That will be the United States if Congress does not put stricter policies in place to control the situation. When looking at the news, or reading the paper or even surfing the web you will see overwhelming statistics. According to the USA Gun Violence Statistics, More than 30,000 people are killed by firearms each year in this country and More than 30 people are shot and murdered each day, 1/2 of them are between the ages of 18 and 35 and 1/3 of them are under the age of 20. Gun violence has caused terror and fear across the country due to the attacks on innocent people like Sandy Hook Elementary, where a 20 year old killed 20 children and 6 adults, a Shooting Frenzy at Fort Hood in 2009, or the movie goer who was shot and killed for texting in the movie theater, and Jordan Davis who was shot while in his car at a gas station in Jacksonville Florida, and we will never forget the massacres at Columbine and Virginia Tech. How many more people will have to die or become injured in these senseless acts of violence before changes are made to this problematic situation? Innocent individuals are being gun down for no apparent reasons. Enough is enough; I’m not saying that we should completely do away with the right to “Bear arms”; but the policies
No issue has dominated America like gun violence. Since the start of 2017 there has been 384 mass shootings in America (Mass Shooting Tracker). These include the horrifying event in Las Vegas, where Stephen Paddock opened fire on a concert from his room at the Mandalay Bay. He ended up killing fifty nine people and injuring around four hundred and fifty people (Mass Shooting Tracker). It also includes the shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas where a gunman entered a church and killed twenty seven people and injured another twenty. Reactions to these types of events are fairly similar. An outcry for background checks and even calls for a ban on all firearms usually follow after these events, and for good reason. The loss of life due to gun violence is becoming all too normal in the United States, but to ban all guns would be ineffective and unethical. This article will show that gun control has not worked in certain places of America and other parts of the world. The article will also describe why it is not a viable solution to ban all guns because it would infringe on the Second Amendment. In addition, the article will also present the opinion of those who think that a ban on all guns is a viable solution. This article will now show examples of gun control not working in the United States and other places of the world.
Gun violence is very prominent in the United States. It has been for quite some time. There are several problems with how people are accessing firearms, and the type of firearms they are buying. People are accessing firearms way to easy nowadays. Some of these firearms are stolen or illegal. We need to somehow crack down on firearms and how these men and women are accessing them so easily. According to BBC, “Some 13,286 people were killed in the US by firearms in 2015, and 26,819 people were injured. These figure exclude suicides.” They also stated “There were 372 mass shootings in the US in 2015, killing 475 people and wounding 1,870, according to the Mass Shooting Tracker, which catalogues such incidents. A mass shooting is defined as a single shooting incident which kills or injures four or more people, including the assailant.” These numbers are outrageous and something needs to be done.
There have been over 360 mass shootings in the United States between January and October of this year. An average of around 1.2 shootings a day should make it alarmingly clear that something must be done. Many people push for gun control due to their strong belief that it will solve the issues that come from people having the capability to murder others, and terminate the mass casualty situations, which are deemed as multiple people being injured and/or killed during a single shooting. They want the government to make it illegal to own a private gun because of how murderers and ill people put them to use. There is no doubt that gun violence and the safety of citizens is of great significance in society. There are several proposals and sides,
There are some commonalities that should be considered in developing an effective government policy aimed at preventing mass shootings. According to Michel Martin of National Public Radio, “in more than half of mass shootings, 54 percent, the perpetrator also shot an intimate partner or relative.” Furthermore, according to gun policy expert, Robert Spitzer, mass shootings “almost never occur spontaneously with no prior indication.” This means that there is some knowledge available that could prevent mass shootings. “Despite their differences, however, these mass killers shared one quality with each other and with every other American besides: easy access to deadly weapons” (Frum). Many of the guns used in mass shooting events were legally obtained. Dan Gross of the Center to Prevent Youth Violence sums up the issue with gun control as “’not as much a matter of keeping certain guns away from all people as it is a matter of keeping all guns away from certain people’” (Martin).
The United States contains 5% of the world’s population. However, our nation covers 35-50% of the world’s civilian-owned guns, is ranked first for firearms per capita, and holds the highest homicide rate among all other nations of wealth and democracy at 88.5% (Masters). Such high rates and loose restrictions are bound to lead to tragedy. We will not sit here and make excuses, we will not allow power in the hands of insanity, and we will not allow the safety of our children to be hindered. After each tragedy that has struck, we have failed to successfully improve gun control. As of now, we hold no federal law banning semi-automatic assault weapons, just like the weapons used in the Las Vegas massacre, resulting in
In today’s time there is no stopping the public from witnessing the day to day violence across America. It floods the daily news, it scrolls past our eyes through our smartphone screens, it blares through our stereos, and it’s published in our newspapers and magazines. As humans, in this day and age prosper where bad news is never hidden from the media. It is recognized all the time, the thoughts of violence crossing one 's path never settling just right in in the stomach. People live to assume they are merely lucky until, essentially, they have become the bad news constantly being brought to the public. Violence, unfortunately, is apart of life, becoming more of a problem in some places than others- but constantly lingering among us. One of the most disputed, and common results of violence nowadays in America is specifically gun violence. “Guns are responsible for roughly 30,000 deaths a year in America” (Goldberg). This is, without a doubt, a serious issue in America. Taya Kyle, the wife of Chris Kyle, who inspired the movie ‘American Sniper’ spoke out: “My government has proven that it 's not able to protect me against people who want to kill. And I don 't blame the government, because there is only one person to blame here: The man or woman who decided to kill.” (Kyle). It is no one 's fault during a violent gun crime but the person who committed this crime, no one can predict the future. It is not the guns fault for
people and the cops can’t trace the gun back to the suspect. There has been 133 mass shootings in the U.S. between January 2005 to July 2009. The mass shooting in Las Vegas killed 58 people and injured 500 others. A church shooting in Texas killed 20 people. In order for it to be a mass shooting it has to kill more than 3 or 4 people. 3 out of 4 mass shootings in the U.S. came from kids under the age of 19. On Jan. 17, 1989 a man killed 5 children and wounding 30 other students and teachers before killing himself. Shooters in some of the deadliest mass shootings in the U.S. history carried models of the country’s most popular types of weapons.
In the United States, there is a mass shooting that kills four or more people every twenty-three hours. Gun violence has risen to epidemic proportions. The United States has allowed guns to become so easily accessible that in four out of five states anyone, even someone without a gun license, can buy an unregistered firearm from a private vendor. It has also become incredibly easy to be approved for a gun in most states. Currently it is more difficult to get a driver's license, even with extensive testing, than it is to own a firearm. We, as a nation, cannot expect to progress far if we don't even moderately control the flow of firearms that is flooding into the streets. We have the capacity to fix this and create a safer country for everyone.
Imagine at this moment seeing a loved one walking out those doors, perhaps the last time, and later in the day finding out he/she has been in a brutal shooting accompanied with other civilians. People are forced to think, ‘is there a way to stop the violence that is happening in the society’, however, there is a way, but it is not enforced. According to Gun Deaths in America, “More than 33,000 people are fatally shot in the U.S. each year.” This information goes to show that gun violence in all types is resulting the loss of innocent civilians and the system of gun control is weakening ( Gun control is needed in the U.S. because civilians are living in fear, wondering if it’s the last time being in this world and having
In America, mass murders are a common occurrence in our everyday lives. According to USA TODAY1 since 2006, there has been over two hundred events of mass killings murders of four or more people. The devastating reappearance of violence almost every two weeks of horrific mass murders2 appear behind our television glaring us down, questioning how someone could do an act so inhumane. While Americans indulge in horror movies, violent video games, movies and anything that makes the heart beat faster; mass killings on American soil quickly alters the mindset we have for it. Once murder and atrocity occur in our hometowns, in our schools and movies theaters then it becomes very real for us. Americans individualistic mindset treats the global problems
According to CNN, “close to 33,000 Americans were victims of gun-related deaths in 2011 and an average of 268 citizens are shot every day”. Thousands of children and women are the victim of gun violence. Gun violence in the United States is increasing as each year passes by. Most of the time, poor people or low class people are the victim of gun violence. In the United States, by the law, a license is required to have a gun, but law informant agencies are failing to do that. Some people are carrying guns without a license, and use them to commit crimes, such as robberies and murdering innocent people. Some people argue that guns should be limited to only police officers and military, and citizens should not be allowed to carry guns. They
The U.S has the highest gun ownership rate in the world; there are 89 guns to every 100 americans, compared to in England and Wales and the murder figures themselves are astounding for Brits, used to around 550 murders per year. In 2011 there were 12,664 murders in the U.S of those, 8,583 were caused by firearms. Most of those were caused by illegal firearms bought on the black market by “bad” people. But the problem is deciding who should and should
There were 327 public mass shootings within America in 2015, in all killing 475 innocent people and even wounding 1,870. As of present day America, this issue has began to exacerbate. Since the past couple of years not only has the number of gun ownership grown, but so have the crime rate within using guns have increased. Numerous people have advocated to slowly recover this issue. Which is why public gun laws should have a greater amount of restrictions because more controlled laws would reduce gun deaths, in addition to that stricter public gun laws would prevent the number of legally owned guns stolen by criminals and would reduce societal costs that are associated with gun violence.
People should not have such an effortless way of acquiring a firearm that can kill a person with a pull of a trigger. In recent years there has been more than a handful of massacres all over the country. Some of the more famous massacres are the Charleston church shooting, the 2015 Lafayette shooting, and the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting. On June 17th, 2015, a man named Dylann Roof, who had a criminal record, shot up a historic church in Charleston, South Carolina where he killed nine people including the pastor. Not only was he charged with nine counts of murder, but with possession of a firearm, and all because the church was an African-American church (CBS NEWS). In that very same year in Lafayette, a man by the name of John Russell traveled 500 miles from Alabama to Lafayette, and shot up a movie theater, were he injured eleven people leaving some injured he injured with more than one gun shot wound, and in addition he killed two women, all before shooting himself. With a legally purchased gun from a pawnshop, he not only ended his life but of two women as well. Although he passed background checks necessary for the purchase, he had a history of mental illness that did not appear in those background checks that were meant to keep people somewhat “safe” (CNN). Yet the most despairing and infamous massacre of all, in my opinion, is the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, This story really hits home because it took place in Connecticut, the state I grew up in, a place I thought, and those children thought, was safe. Twenty-six people, twenty of who were kids and six of who were adults, were brutally shot and killed at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut. Adam Lanza a deeply troubled young man went to the elementary school, after he allegedly shot and killed his mother, carrying three guns, one of which was a semi-automatic assault rifle. Lanza had a history among his school and peers of being a bit “weird”