
Gun Violence Thesis

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A Generation Raised On Gun Violence.

This article is by CNN and has the title of A generation raised on gun violence sends a loud message to adults: Enough, this is talked about throughout the article. They also talk about the agenda for what the students wanted by doing all the walk outs and protest. Ban assault weapons, Require universal background checks before gun sales; Pass a gun violence restraining order law that would allow courts to disarm people who display warning signs of violent behavior: this is what they stated that they wanted to get from all the protest. But they continue and talk about how students did sit outs where they were still in class but they did not do any work, because they were receiving threats of getting suspend or marked absent from the school. …show more content…

This topic of gun control is such a great thing in today's society. People say they want change people say thing need to be done that we need to get rid of assault weapons. This thing of banning assault weapons is just not possible because the AR 15 as they say “ the worst killing machine that has ever been introduced to the public” stated a freshman girl from the parkland shooting, is the worst and most deadly thing and we have to get rid of it. But it is one of the most widely guns used for hunting in the US; in total gun deaths the handgun is the most deadly and bad people will still get the guns they want you will only take away from the good people. So why do we need to ban assault rifles why not just work on making school and workplaces safer. The AR 15 is the gun most under scrutiny now. People don't like it because it looks tactical and deadly. But what people don't know is that it is one of the most used rifles in the US for hunting. this is du to it having such a small round it shoots just a little bigger round than a handgun, but people don’t like this

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