
Guns Germs And Steel Essay

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Guns, Germs, and Steel is a well written book by James Diamond exemplifying the true meaning of human geography. One of the essentials to fully understand geography is to know about human geography, sometimes also known as cultural geography. Human geography or cultural geography, is the study of why people are where they are. Human geography is also the relationship of cultures around the world and how they relate to their origin. Throughout the book, Diamond examines the conflict of the book: why are some societies more advanced than other societies? While Diamond was researching bird evolution in New Guinea in the year of 1972, he met Yali, a native of the island. Yali asked a very important question, “Why is it that you white …show more content…

The majority of Indians knew what was edible and what was not, but they did not use that to their advantage. In one case, Highlanders, people from the highlands of New Guinea, would bring a supply of food for their trips. But, if the trip went longer than expected, or they ate more food than intended on one day, they would slowly suffer and eventually die because they would not eat food they did not pack. On the other hand, Indians did have knowledge in domestication. They domesticated small animals that “yielded food, clothing, or warmth. But none of them pulled plows or wagons.” A downside to having some of the domesticated animals was disease. Of having domestic animals, that was the worst thing the animals did to the native people. Today, people are immune to most of the diseases spread by animals in the centuries before us because bodies today are different then they were a few hundred years ago. Another thing the Indians were good at was an organized system of people. The Indians created groups of people called bands (smallest), tribes, chiefdoms, and states (largest). Of all of those, only the two biggest, chiefdoms and states had a monopoly. Both of those monopolies were well run. Indians were technologically behind, but they mostly made good out of what they had. James Diamond put in lots of time and effort to complete his book, Guns, Germs, and Steel. Diamond looked through, many books,

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