
Hallmark: What Doesn T Make Themselves

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That's an interesting way of looking at it. I don't think I've had anyone put it quite that way.

I write a lot in my spare time. I used to write all the time every day. And now I just renovate 'cause it's easier. I can actually get stuff done. Writing was so exhausting 'cause you'd write these movies or these projects and usually never make them. So renovating is very gratifying 'cause acting is a patience game, but with renovating, the gratification is instant. But as a writer, I look at the incredible wheel Hallmark has, and it's great! I think it really works. I think we need a little bit more of that in our lives. You can get all wrapped up in trying to make the next Inception. But you know, Inception only comes out once a year or once …show more content…

No, that's the other thing, too. I feel like Hallmark gets a lot of flack from people saying, "Oh, these movies are so predictable." And I'm like, "No, man." They're new scripts. They're new ideas. And they're doing something different even if it is the same emotional plight. There are different characters, stories, and at least it's not rehashing. They're so many films out right now--even Tarzan. Of all the movies they made this year--they called it The Legend of Tarzan, like it's the saga of Tarzan. It was good, but they didn't have a Tarzan. {laughs}

Sometimes people say Hallmark is too predictable, but there's nothing wrong with it being predictable.

Audrey Hepburn films are also predictable. We all love them. So is every film that Audrey Hepburn did, except for Breakfast at Tiffany's. There, she plays a non-likable character. But every other movie she's ever done is predictable--and I literally love them. They're amazing.

What I really like about Hallmark is they get quality actors, and they're often very fan-friendly. They actually interact with the fans. And I always hear from the actors that it's a really fun set to work on. Everybody gets along really well. I hear wonderful things about the crews that Hallmark hires too. I hear they hire the …show more content…

I'm really excited to see the film. I think it's gonna be good 'cause my character is--have you seen Just Friends with Ryan Reynolds?

No, I have not seen it.

It is an amazing film. He did it. Anna Faris is in it. I just remember going, "Man, this movie is just so great." And I think back to it now. He did it before he got Van Wilder. And I think the movie gave him a little bit of a head start into that direction where he was the lovable kind of jerk. And Will is like a lovable guy who--maybe he's not the guy you call to pick you up at the airport, but if you're going out Friday night, you call Will, and you'll have a good time.

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