
Hallucinations In Macbeth Essay

Decent Essays

Visions and hallucinations play a big part in the development of Macbeth’s character. These hallucinations start after he kills King Duncan. He sees the bloody dagger, that he used to kill Duncan, floating in front of him. This then makes him feel even more guilty about killing him. Macbeth has visions and hallucinations because he is overwhelmed by guilt, this is what defines him and makes him the conflicted character that we see in the story. Macbeth gets told that he will become king, by three witches. He is also told that Banquo’s sons will become kings. When he gets home from learning this news, he sends a message to his wife, Lady Macbeth, that tells that he will become king. Then, she learns that Kind Duncan is coming to stay in Macbeth’s castle for the night. She then talks to Macbeth and convinces him to kill the king. After …show more content…

He thinks this is wrong to do, and it makes him feel guilty. Later in the play, he sends murderers to kill his friend Banquo, because he was scared of being overruled. The murderers succeed in killing Banquo, but this just makes Macbeth feel even more guilty. He goes to eat later that day with a group of people, but when he goes to sit down he sees Banquo’s ghost sitting in his chair. Then, he thinks everyone can see the ghost so he just yells about Banquo being killed. He yells, “The table’s full.” His guests now are thinking that he killed Banquo and he is feeling guilty for it. This guilt just causes him to go more insane. The last visions that he sees is the three apparitions. The first apparition to beware Macduff. The second says that man that is not woman born will kill you. The third says when the woods come to Dunsinane hill, he will die. This makes his anxiety go down, because he thought there were no way for the last two to happen. Though later, it does happen, and he is almost happy that he does not have to live with all the guilt and anxiety of his

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