
Hamlet Good vs Evil Essay

Decent Essays

“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”
-William Shakespeare
Good VS. Evil Why Does Hamlet delay so long in achieving his revenge- what is really stopping him? There is an inner battle inside Hamlet that no one knows about, good versus evil, stuck between both worlds. Hamlet is the only one who can decided which world to want to be apart of. Hamlet, the story, reveals that the individual can only find meaning by looking inward and living according to his or her own beliefs and including values. Being and thinking independently is the key to purpose and inner peace. Unfortunately most human beings fail to find this inner peace because of the need conform to the group and act according to the desire of others. Why does is …show more content…

So Hamlet had plenty of reason to murder Claudius but what took him so long? He had the inner battle of good vs. evil. Hamlet’s ‘good side’ was telling him that no good would come of this. Hamlet believes that things should be naturally good, and that people's motives should be fair. Therefore, he has an immense deal of difficulty in coming to terms with all of the evil that is around him in a damage world. As Hamlet said himself, "'Tis an unweeded garden that grows to seed; Things rank and gross in nature possess it merely" (I, ii, 139-141). He was infuriated with the fact that his mother didn’t wait a month to marry his Uncle. So he has every reason to do it. But still no action has taken place. Another thought that may have caused Hamlets delay it the idea that he isn’t sure of weather or not the ghost he has been seeing is a devil or not. So he doesn’t want to commit a murder for no reason, maybe what the ghost is telling him could be coming from the devil and he wouldn’t want to commit a crime of such. “The spirit that I have seen may be a devil, and the devil hath power t’ assume a pleasing shape; yea, and perhaps, out of my weakness and my melancholy, as he is very potent with such sprits, abuses me to damn me. I’ll have grounds more relative then this.” (2,2,627-633) For Hamlet to continue to go thru with the murder he comes up with another way to find out. He wrote the play replicating

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