
Handling The Green Drug And Substance Use

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Group topic: Handling the Green Drug
The group was focused on identifying the relationships between money and substance use. Patients were encouraged to discuss and share how to manage their finances, take responsibilities, and work toward financial maturity. PO moderately participated in the group process by actively contributing to the group discussion and sharing personal financial goals with peers. PO stated “It is frustrating and time consuming to catch up on so many responsibilities”. However, PO appears to have plans for regaining control of his life by taking one item each week and focus on clearing up one area at a time.
Group topic: Handling the Green Drug
The group was focused on …show more content…

PO moderately participated in the group process by actively contributing to the group discussion and sharing personal financial goals with peers. PO stated “There is no easy way to rebuild financial stability. It is important to be aware of the issues so that I can plan to make it better.” PO responded to treatment positively.
Group topic: Handling the Green Drug
The group was focused on identifying the relationships between money and substance use. Patients were encouraged to discuss and share how to manage their finances, take responsibilities, and work toward financial maturity. PO moderately participated in the group process by actively contributing to the group discussion and sharing personal financial goals with peers. PO stated “I work 15-16 hours a day. I am saving money to pay off my traffic tickets, so I can have my drive license back.” PO is taking steps to regain control of his life. Good treatment progress.
Group topic: Handling the Green Drug
The group was focused on identifying the relationships between money and substance use. Patients were encouraged to discuss and share how to manage their finances, take responsibilities, and work toward financial maturity. PO moderately participated in the group process by actively contributing to the group discussion and sharing personal financial goals with peers. PO stated that he has to budget

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