
Hanna's Mistakes

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Throughout the slowing, Julia loses her best friend, Hanna, as she moves away to Utah. When Hanna returns, though, Julia realizes things have changed and her role as best friend has been replaced. The slowing has inadvertently caused the loss of her most trusted companion. She then turns to an old friend named Gabby and though they are the same age, she is more matured. Gabby and Julia are quite different but on many levels, they are one. Gabby presents herself as a morbid and dark teen, riddled with angst whereas Julia remains juvenile, sporty and plain. As Julia says, they were both, “Grown under similar conditions…two specimens of girlhood, now diverging” (Walker, 91). Gabby symbolizes risk and danger, entities Julia is not comfortable with. …show more content…

She admires the strength in his hands as he wrings them in worry, and the silent intensity of his eyes as his gaze sweeps the room. Seth eventually fixes his eyes upon Julia, and young love blossoms. Though it may be a rocky friendship in the beginning, scattered with briefs periods of unexplained silence and gawkiness, the two learn to coexist peacefully. Seth and Julia understand each other on deeper levels than any of their other friends. Together they talk about the slowing and their families, about science, and sickness. Julia starts to develop a deep affection for Seth, describing the stirrings of emotion as “…an urgency like love” (Walker, 194). The pair grows closer, spending the majority of their time together. Seth is Julia’s first real, requited love. Their relationship is an escape for Julia during the troubling times of the slowing. The days may change but Seth will always be there for Julia. That is, until he becomes sick and disappears from her life. Her one unvarying confidant is gone and again Julia feels abandoned and alone. Julia attempts to hold onto the present and her time with Seth to avoid the forbidding and uncertain future.
The Age of Miracles is a coming of age novel where the protagonist is jostled around by events out of her control. Julia loses her childlike innocence, her sense of self, and her sense of home. Similarly, the protagonist of The Catcher in the Rye, Holden, …show more content…

Allie died of leukemia in the Caulfield summer home in Maine when he was eleven and Holden was thirteen. Allie’s death occurred when Holden was in a very formative year in one’s life, and had a major effect on his mental health. Allie’s demise caused Holden to lose his sense of self and home. Angered by the death of his beloved brother, Holden punches a wall and windows and injures his hand, which causes him to be sent to the hospital and later miss the funeral ceremony. The ache that lingers in his hand reminds Holden of the pain that Allie’s untimely death caused. Allie’s life ended while he was still young and unchanged by the harsh reality of the world, and he is suspended in a sort of childlike purity in Holden’s mind. Holden oftentimes calls upon the memory of Allie when confronted with dark and frustrating thoughts and troubles. Allie is one of the only people Holden does not believe to be a phony, like he does with so many others. Holden’s worldview is skewed because of Allie’s death. Allie is somewhat of a saint in Holden’s mind, unblemished and wholesome. Holden describes Allie as the most intelligent member of the family and the nicest. Holden tells the reader, “He was two years younger than I was, but he was about fifty times as intelligent” (Salinger, 49). Allie is undoubtedly the most influential force in Holden’s

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